Set List
Learn more about Brilliant Stars by visiting the articles below.
Set List | Visual Set List | Set Highlights | New Archetypes
set size: 172 cards (before Secret Rares)
Set Abbreviation: BRS
Below is a list of cards that will comprise our ninth Sword & Shield set, Brilliant Stars, when it releases 25 February 2022. The set became legal for tournament play on 11 March 2021.
Main Set List
- [1] Exeggcute (Starbirth)
- [2] Exeggutor (Starbirth)
- [3] Shroomish (Starbirth)
- [4] Breloom (Starbirth)
- [5] Tropius (Starbirth)
- [6] Turtwig (Starbirth)
- [7] Grotle (Starbirth)
- [8] Torterra (Starbirth)
- [9] Burmy (Starbirth)
- [10] Wormadam (Starbirth)
- [11] Mothim (Starbirth)
- [12] Cherubi (VMAX Climax)
- [13] Shaymin V (Starbirth)
- [14] Shaymin VSTAR (Starbirth)
- [15] Karrablast (Start Deck 100)
- [16] Zarude V (Start Deck 100)
- [17] Charizard V (Starbirth)
- [18] Charizard VSTAR (Starbirth)
- [19] Magmar (Starbirth)
- [20] Magmortar (Starbirth)
- [21] Moltres (Starbirth)
- [22] Entei V (Start Deck 100)
- [23] Torkoal (Start Deck 100)
- [24] Chimchar (Starbirth)
- [25] Monferno (Starbirth)
- [26] Infernape (Starbirth)
- [27] Simisear V (Start Deck 100)
- [28] Kingler V (Start Deck 100)
- [29] Kingler VMAX (Start Deck 100)
- [30] Staryu (Start Deck 100)
- [31] Lapras (Starbirth)
- [32] Corphish (Starbirth)
- [33] Crawdaunt (Starbirth)
- [34] Snorunt (VMAX Climax)
- [35] Piplup (Starbirth)
- [36] Prinplup (Starbirth)
- [37] Empoleon (Starbirth)
- [38] Buizel (Starbirth)
- [39] Floatzel (Starbirth)
- [40] Lumineon V (Starbirth)
- [41] Manaphy (Starbirth)
- [42] Cubchoo (Starbirth)
- [43] Beartic (Starbirth)
- [44] Eiscue (VMAX Climax)
- [45] Raichu V (Starbirth)
- [46] Electabuzz (Starbirth)
- [47] Electivire (Starbirth)
- [48] Raikou V (Start Deck 100)
- [49] Shinx (Starbirth)
- [50] Luxio (Starbirth)
- [51] Luxray (Starbirth)
- [52] Pachirisu (Starbirth)
- [53] Clefairy (Starbirth)
- [54] Clefable (Starbirth)
- [55] Starmie (Start Deck 100)
- [56] Mewtwo (Start Deck 100)
- [57] Granbull V (Start Deck 100)
- [58] Baltoy (Starbirth)
- [59] Claydol (Starbirth)
- [60] Duskull (Starbirth)
- [61] Dusclops (Starbirth)
- [62] Dusknoir (Starbirth)
- [63] Chimecho (Starbirth)
- [64] Whimsicott V (Starbirth)
- [65] Whimsicott VSTAR (Starbirth)
- [66] Sigilyph (Starbirth)
- [67] Dedenne (VMAX Climax)
- [68] Mimikyu V (Battle Styles, Reprint)
- [69] Mimikyu VMAX (VMAX Climax)
- [70] Milcery (VMAX Climax)
- [71] Alcremie (VMAX Climax)
- [72] Hitmontop (Start Deck 100)
- [73] Nosepass (Starbirth)
- [74] Trapinch (Start Deck 100)
- [75] Vibrava (Start Deck 100)
- [76] Flygon (Start Deck 100)
- [77] Wormadam (Starbirth)
- [78] Riolu (Starbirth)
- [79] Lucario (Starbirth)
- [80] Throh (Starbirth)
- [81] Sawk (Starbirth)
- [82] Golett (Starbirth)
- [83] Golurk (Starbirth)
- [84] Grimer (Starbirth)
- [85] Muk (Starbirth)
- [86] Sneasel (Starbirth)
- [87] Weavile (Starbirth)
- [88] Honchkrow V (Starbirth)
- [89] Spiritomb (Starbirth)
- [90] Purrloin (Start Deck 100)
- [91] Liepard (Start Deck 100)
- [92] Impidimp (Start Deck 100)
- [93] Morgrem (Start Deck 100)
- [94] Grimmsnarl (Start Deck 100)
- [95] Morpeko V (Start Deck 100)
- [96] Aggron V (Start Deck 100)
- [97] Aggron VMAX (Start Deck 100)
- [98] Wormadam (Starbirth)
- [99] Probopass (Starbirth)
- [100] Heatran (Starbirth)
- [101] Escavalier (Start Deck 100)
- [102] Klink (Starbirth)
- [103] Klang (Starbirth)
- [104] Klinklang (Starbirth)
- [105] Zamazenta V (Start Deck 100)
- [106] Flygon V (Starbirth)
- [107] Gible (Starbirth)
- [108] Gabite (Starbirth)
- [109] Garchomp (Starbirth)
- [110] Axew (Start Deck 100)
- [111] Fraxure (Start Deck 100)
- [112] Haxorus (Start Deck 100)
- [113] Druddigon (VMAX Climax)
- [114] Dracovish V (Promo)
- [115] Farfetch'd (Starbirth)
- [116] Castform (Starbirth)
- [117] Starly (Starbirth)
- [118] Staravia (Starbirth)
- [119] Staraptor (Starbirth)
- [120] Bidoof (Starbirth)
- [121] Bibarel (Starbirth)
- [122] Arceus V (Starbirth)
- [123] Arceus VSTAR (Starbirth)
- [124] Minccino (Starbirth)
- [125] Cinccino (Starbirth)
- [126] Tornadus (Starbirth)
- [127] Hawlucha (Start Deck 100)
- [128] Drampa V (Start Deck 100)
- [129] Acerola's Premonition (VMAX Climax)
- [130] Barry (Start Deck 100)
- [131] Blunder Policy (Promo)
- [132] Boss's Orders {Cyrus} (Start Deck 100)
- [133] Café Master (VMAX Climax)
- [134] Cheren's Care (Starbirth)
- [135] Choice Belt (Starbirth)
- [136] Cleansing Gloves (VMAX Climax)
- [137] Collapsed Stadium (Starbirth)
- [138] Cynthia's Ambition (Starbirth)
- [139] Fresh Water Set (Starbirth)
- [140] Friends in Galar (VMAX Climax)
- [141] Gloria (VMAX Climax)
- [142] Hunting Gloves (VMAX Climax)
- [143] Kindler (Starbirth)
- [144] Magma Basin (Starbirth)
- [145] Marnie's Pride (Start Deck 100)
- [146] Pot Helmet (Starbirth)
- [147] Professor's Research {Professor Rowan} (Starbirth)
- [148] Roseanne's Backup (Starbirth)
- [149] Team Yell's Cheer (Start Deck 100)
- [150] Ultra Ball (Start Deck 100)
- [151] Double Turbo Energy (Starbirth)
- [152] FA Shaymin V (Starbirth)
- [153] FA Charizard V (Starbirth)
- [154] AA Charizard V (Starbirth)
- [155] FA Lumineon V (Starbirth)
- [156] AA Lumineon V (Starbirth)
- [157] FA Pikachu V (Start Deck 100)
- [158] FA Raichu V (Starbirth)
- [159] FA Granbull V (Start Deck 100)
- [160] FA Whimsicott V (Starbirth)
- [161] FA Honchkrow V (Starbirth)
- [162] AA Honchkrow V (Starbirth)
- [163] FA Zamazenta V (Start Deck 100)
- [164] FA Flygon V (Starbirth)
- [165] FA Arceus V (Starbirth)
- [166] AA Arceus V (Starbirth)
- [167] FA Barry (Start Deck 100)
- [168] FA Cheren's Care (Starbirth)
- [169] FA Cynthia's Ambition (Starbirth)
- [170] FA Kindler (Starbirth)
- [171] FA Marnie's Pride (Start Deck 100)
- [172] FA Roseanne's Backup (Starbirth)
- [173] RR Shaymin VSTAR (Starbirth)
- [174] RR Charizard VSTAR (Starbirth)
- RR Whimsicott VSTAR (Starbirth)
- RR Arceus VSTAR (Starbirth)
- RR Cheren's Care (Starbirth)
- RR Cynthia's Ambition (Starbirth)
- RR Kindler (Starbirth)
- RR Roseanne's Backup (Starbirth)
- GOLD Galarian Articuno V (Start Deck 100)
- GOLD Galarian Zapdos V (Start Deck 100)
- GOLD Galarian Moltres V (Start Deck 100)
- GOLD Arceus VSTAR (Starbirth)
- GOLD Magma Basin (Starbirth)
- GOLD Ultra Ball (Starbirth)
This set introduces Pokémon VSTAR. Like Pokémon VMAX, Pokémon VSTAR evolve from basic Pokémon V. However, unlike Pokémon VMAX, Pokémon VSTAR give up just two prize cards when knocked out. Additionally, these Pokémon have a VSTAR Power—a once per game attack or ability similar to GX Attacks from the Sun & Moon era.
Trainer Gallery Subset
The set description for Brilliant Stars mentions that it contains “a special Trainer Gallery subset of 30 cards with artwork featuring fan-favorite Trainers and Pokémon.” With this and the very high count of Full Art rarity and higher cards from the Japanese set VMAX Climax in mind, not all of the special cards from VMAX Climax will appear in Brilliant Stars. The cards that did not make it into Brilliant Stars’ Trainer Gallery will likely appear in future sets as part of their Trainer Gallery. To see cards that may be included in future Trainer Galleries, see the Trainer Galleries article. To view the images for the cards in Brilliant Stars’ Trainer Gallery, visit the Brilliant Stars Visual Set List.
- CHR Abomasnow
- CHR Flapple
- CHR Charizard
- [TG01] CHR Flareon
- [TG02] CHR Vaporeon
- CHR Kingdra
- [TG03] CHR Octillery
- CHR Frosmoth
- [TG04] CHR Jolteon
- CHR Flaaffy
- [TG05] CHR Zekrom
- CHR Gardevoir
- CHR Banette
- [TG06] CHR Dusknoir
- CHR Malamar
- [TG07] CHR Dedenne
- [TG08] CHR Alcremie
- CHR Rockruff
- CHR Passimian
- CHR Falinks
- [TG09] CHR Ariados
- [TG10] CHR Houndoom
- CHR Obstagoon
- CHR Bronzong
- CHR Druddigon
- [TG11] CHR Eevee
- CHR Castform
- [TG12] CHR Oranguru
- CSR Kricketune V
- CSR Orbeetle V
- CSR Orbeetle VMAX
- CSR Blaziken V
- CSR Blaziken VMAX
- CSR Centiskorch V
- CSR Centiskorch VMAX
- CSR Ice Rider Calyrex V
- CSR Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX
- CSR Pikachu V
- CSR Pikachu VMAX
- CSR Zeraora V
- [TG13] CSR Boltund V
- CSR Morpeko V-UNION [Top Left]
- CSR Morpeko V-UNION [Top Right]
- CSR Morpeko V-UNION [Bottom Left]
- CSR Morpeko V-UNION [Bottom Right]
- CSR Galarian Articuno V
- [TG14] CSR Sylveon V
- [TG15] CSR Sylveon VMAX
- [TG16] CSR Mimikyu V
- [TG17] CSR Mimikyu VMAX
- CSR Shadow Rider Calyrex V
- CSR Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX
- CSR Galarian Zapdos V
- [TG18] CSR Single Strike Urshifu V
- [TG19] CSR Single Strike Urshifu VMAX
- [TG20] CSR Rapid Strike Urshifu V
- [TG21] CSR Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX
- CSR Galarian Moltres V
- CSR Crobat V
- [TG22] CSR Umbreon V
- [TG23] CSR Umbreon VMAX
- CSR Eternatus V
- CSR Eternatus VMAX
- CSR Corviknight V
- CSR Corviknight VMAX
- CSR Zacian V
- CSR Zamazenta V
- CSR Rayquaza VMAX
- CSR Duraludon VMAX
- CSR Blissey V
- [TG24] FA Acerola's Premonition
- FA Adventurer's Discovery
- FA Allister
- FA Bea
- FA Boss's Orders
- [TG25] FA Café Master
- FA Cook
- FA Friends in Galar
- [TG26] FA Gloria
- FA Gordie
- FA Judge
- FA Kabu
- FA Melony
- FA Milo
- FA Nessa
- FA Opal
- FA Piers
- FA Professor Burnet
- FA Professor's Research
- FA Raihan
- [TG27] FA Rapid Strike Mustard
- [TG28] FA Single Strike Mustard
- FA Sordward & Shielbert
- GOLD Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX
- GOLD Pikachu VMAX
- GOLD Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX
- [TG29] GOLD Single Strike Urshifu VMAX
- [TG30] GOLD Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX
- GOLD Rayquaza VMAX
- GOLD Duraludon VMAX
Cards Intentionally Excluded From List
The cards below may appear as promo cards or may see their release in some other way.
- Galarian Mr. Rime V (Promo)
- Pikachu V (Start Deck 100)
- Morpeko V-UNION (VMAX Climax)
- Oricorio (Promo)
- AA Arceus V (Promo)
- Crushing Hammer (Start Deck 100)
- Dry Seasoned Curry (Promo)
- Energy Retrieval (Start Deck 100)
- Energy Search (Start Deck 100)
- Energy Switch (Start Deck 100)
- Great Ball (Start Deck 100)
- Poké Ball (Start Deck 100)
- Pokémon Catcher (Start Deck 100)
- Potion (Start Deck 100)
- Rare Candy (Start Deck 100)
- Switch (Start Deck 100)
Other set details
Brilliant Stars is comprised of new cards from the Japanese set VMAX Climax (3 December 2021, 194 cards before secret rares, 14 new cards excluding full arts and character rares), any new cards from Start Deck 100 (17 December 2021, 414 cards, primarily reprints but with 30-40 new cards), plus cards from the Japanese S9 set Starbirth (14 January 2022, 100 cards, plus 10-14 full art cards).
Card Counts
Cards: 172, before secret rares
Pokémon V: 20, with 15 full art Pokémon V
Pokémon VMAX: 3
Pokémon VSTAR: 4
Trainer Cards: 22, with 6 full art Supporter cards
Special Energy: 1
Special Energy
Double Turbo Energy
Pokémon V
Shaymin V
Zarude V
Charizard V
Entei V
Simisear V
Kingler V
Lumineon V
(FA Only) Pikachu V
Raichu V
Raikou V
Granbull V
Whimsicott V
Mimikyu V
Honchkrow V
Morpeko V
Aggron V
Zamazenta V
Flygon V
Drampa V
Dracovish V
Arceus V
Pokémon VMAX
Kingler VMAX
Mimikyu VMAX
Aggron VMAX
Pokémon VStar
Shaymin VSTAR
Charizard VSTAR
Whimsicott VSTAR
Arceus VSTAR
Trainer Cards
Acerola’s Premonition
Blunder Policy
Boss’s Orders {Cyrus}
Café Master
Cheren’s Care
Choice Belt
Cleansing Gloves
Collapsed Stadium
Cynthia’s Ambition
Fresh Water Set
Friends in Galar
Hunting Gloves
Magma Basin
Marnie’s Pride
Pot Helmet
Professor’s Research {Professor Rowan}
Roseanne’s Backup
Team Yell’s Cheer
Ultra Ball