New Archetypes from Crown Zenith
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With the arrival of Crown Zenith this January, we’ll have a handful of new deck archetypes joining the fray. As always, some deck archetypes are better than others—some are meme tier and some are merely playable, fun decks without much competitive promise. Lists below are very rough drafts and are intended as a starting place for testing, not as tournament-ready deck lists. Consider creating and using proxies to test cards you don’t already own prior to making any purchases.
Illus. 5ban Graphics
Discard Pokémon Tool cards with the deck’s various options: Rotom VSTAR’s Conversion Star Ability, Galarian Articuno V’s Reconstitute Ability, Professor’s Research, Serena, Quick Ball, Ultra Ball, and Tower of Darkness. Power up Rotom VSTAR’s Scrap Pulse attack which does 80 damage plus 40 more for each Pokémon Tool card you put into the Lost Zone from your discard pile.
Cramorant LOR 50 as an alternate attacker, especially to help deal with lower HP Pokémon, like any single prize Pokémon your opponent puts into the Active Spot to try to flip the prize trade.
Porygon2 LOR 141 as a late-game attacker that can take the place of Rotom VSTAR when the deck’s supply of Pokémon Tool cards is exhausted.
Roxanne to disrupt your opponent’s hand in the mid to late game.
Pokémon - 14
4 Rotom V LOR 58
3 Rotom VSTAR CRZ 46
2 Electrode VIV 46
2 Voltorb FST 87
1 Crobat V DAA 104
1 Drapion V LOR 118
1 Galarian Articuno V CRE 58
Trainer Cards - 37
4 Professor's Research BRS 147
4 Serena SIT 164
4 Air Balloon SSH 156
4 Quick Ball FST 237
4 Single Strike Scroll of Scorn BST 133
4 Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon EVS 158
4 Ultra Ball BRS 150
3 Exp. Share BST 126
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
1 Single Strike Scroll of Piercing CRE 154
4 Tower of Darkness BST 137
Energy - 9
5 Lightning Energy SWSHEnergy 4
4 Speed Lightning Energy RCL 173
Testing Streams
Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX with Radiant Eternatus
Illus. 5ban Graphics
Bench and evolve Shadow Rider Calyrex V into Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX to make full use of its Underworld Door ability, which not only attaches a Psychic Energy from your hand to one of your benched Psychic Pokémon, it draws two cards when you do. Use either Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX’s Max Geist attack or Alcremie VMAX’s G-Max Whisk attack to take knockouts.
A copy of Energy Recycler for an additional means of recovering the deck’s basic Psychic Energy.
Pokémon - 14
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex V CRE 74
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX CRE 75
2 Galarian Articuno EVS 63
1 Alcremie V CPA 22
1 Alcremie VMAX CPA 23
1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Radiant Eternatus CRZ 105
Trainer Cards - 32
3 Marnie CPA 56
3 Professor's Research CEL 23
3 Serena SIT 164
4 Fog Crystal CRE 140
4 Ultra Ball BRS 150
3 Battle VIP Pass FST 225
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
2 Evolution Incense SSH 163
2 Switch SSH 183
1 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
3 Training Court RCL 169
1 Collapsed Stadium BRS 137
Energy - 14
14 Psychic Energy SWSHEnergy 5
Testing Streams
Zacian VSTAR
Illus. 5ban Graphics
Using Metal Saucer, Zacian’s Intrepid Sword ability, and manual attachments, get Zacian V’s Brave Blade attack powered up as quickly as possible. Use the deck’s various switching options to reset the effect of Brave Blade or evolve into Zacian VSTAR both to boost Zacian’s HP and to instead use its Break Edge or Star Sword attacks, which do 200 damage that cuts through any effects on the Defending Pokémon and 310 damage with 30 recoil damage, respectively.
Switching Cards (Bird Keeper, Cross Switcher, Scoop Up Net, Air Balloon)
Zamazenta V SSH 139 as a wall against Pokémon VMAX and Zamazenta VSTAR to instead use its Sheild Star VSTAR Power, which reduces the damage taken from your opponent’s Pokémon’s attacks by all of your Pokémon in play by 100 during your opponent’s next turn.
Echoing Horn to re-bench more vulnerable Pokémon V from your opponent’s discard pile to gust them up with Serena to knock them out.
Pokémon - 11
4 Mew CEL 11
3 Zacian V SSH 138
3 Zacian VSTAR CRZ 96
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
Trainer Cards - 38
3 Bird Keeper DAA 159
3 Serena SIT 164
2 Raihan EVS 152
4 Cross Switcher FST 230
4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
4 Trekking Shoes ASR 156
3 Quick Ball FST 237
3 Ultra Ball BRS 150
2 Battle VIP Pass FST 225
2 Choice Belt BRS 135
1 Air Balloon SSH 156
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
2 PokéStop PGO 68
Energy - 11
11 Metal Energy SWSHEnergy 8
Testing Streams
Regigigas VSTAR
Illus. PLANETA Mochizuki
Play down Regigigas V and Sobble, then evolve Sobble into Drizzile to take advantage of its Shady Dealings Ability, which lets you search your deck for a Trainer card to put into your hand. Evolve Regigigas V into Regigigas VSTAR and use a combination of Melony and Double Turbo Energy to power up its Giga Imapact attack, which does 230 damage. Reduce the damage taken by Regigigas VSTAR with the decks various damage reduction options. Scoop Regigigas VSTAR back into your hand to avoid it giving up Prize cards with Cheren’s Care.
Inteleon Engine (Sobble CRE 41, Drizzile SSH 56, Inteleon SSH 58, Irida, Scoop Up Net)
Damage Reduction, Healing, and HP Boost Effects (Radiant Gardevoir LOR 69, Cheren’s Care, Big Charm, V Guard Energy)
Inteleon CRE 43 to make use of its Quick Shooting Ability to set up Knock Outs.
Forest Seal Stone to give the deck an out to a significantly better VSTAR Power than that printed on Regigigas VSTAR.
Big Parasol to shield Regigigas from the effect of Yveltal’s Amazing Destruction attack.
Pokémon - 19
4 Drizzile SSH 56
4 Regigigas V CRZ 113
4 Sobble CRE 41
3 Regigigas VSTAR CRZ 114
2 Inteleon SSH 58
1 Lumineon V BRS 40
1 Radiant Gardevoir LOR 69
Trainer Cards - 28
3 Irida ASR 147
3 Melony CRE 146
2 Serena SIT 164
1 Cheren's Care BRS 134
1 Marnie CPA 56
4 Quick Ball FST 237
3 Evolution Incense SSH 163
3 Level Ball BST 129
2 Big Charm SSH 158
2 Capacious Bucket RCL 156
2 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Pal Pad SSH 172
Energy - 13
6 Water Energy SWSHEnergy 3
4 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
2 V Guard Energy SIT 169
1 Powerful Colorless Energy DAA 176