Illus. yuu
Effective March 31st, the following cards are banned in the Eternal format:
Also effective March 31st, the following cards are no longer banned in the Eternal format:
Illus. yuu
Effective March 31st, the following cards are banned in the Eternal format:
Also effective March 31st, the following cards are no longer banned in the Eternal format:
The Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the 3 March 2023 Eternal format tournament.
The tournament's results were as follows:
Guil - Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX
MysteriousPlayer - Togekiss VMAX
Techster011 - Lost Box
iFly - Jirachi Mill
Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page and join us next month on April 7th for the JIB Format tournament!
The Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the 6 January 2023 Pauper format tournament.
The tournament's results were as follows:
Twitchy - Lunarock
Oatey99 - Lunarock
okowen02- Mad Party
JustInBasil - Wailord SIT
Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page and join us next month on February 3rd for the Post-Rotation (E-onward) format!
Effective immediately, Lunatone PGO 34 is banned in the Aceless and Pauper formats. The card’s damage ramp combined with the high quantity of options available to it in the formats has proved to be overwhelmingly oppressive.
Illus. PLANETA Yamashita
Effective immediately, the following card is banned in the Eternal format:
Regidrago VSTAR SIT 136
Although underwhelming in the Standard format, the sheer volume of attacks that Regidrago VSTAR has access to with its Apex Dragon attack in the Eternal format has proven to been too much because it can use that wide variety of attacks for an easily paid-for [G][G][R]. Rather than ban half a dozen of Regidrago VSTAR’s favorite attacking partners, its forms of Energy acceleration, or other cards the deck uses to set itself up and wait for new partners to once again break the card and its archetype, the card itself has been removed from the format via a ban.
The Dream format was intended as a format without the cancerous three-prize Pokémon that dominated the final year of the Sun & Moon era and the first two years of the Sword & Shield era. However, as Pokémon VSTAR themselves are so heavily power-crept to let them deal with Pokémon VMAX and Tag Team Pokémon-GX, they themselves become nearly the only viable options in such a two-prize only format.
Effective immediately, all Pokémon VSTAR are banned in the Dream Format.
Additionally, the following cards are now banned in the Dream format:
Blacephalon UNB 32
Earthen Seal Stone SIT 154
Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
Effective immediately, the following card is banned in the Eternal format:
Poké Drawer + SF 89
Unfortunately, this card’s effect has proved too potent in the format, even with the removal of Green’s Exploration. Alternate searching cards, including Irida and Korrina, also worked to make the card’s two-card effect far more readily available to use than is healthy for the format. As a result of Poké Drawer +’s ban, Green’s Exploration has been removed from the format’s ban list on a probationary basis. After more data has been collected without Poké Drawer + in the format, whether or not Green’s Exploration warrants a ban will be revisited.
The following card has been removed from the format’s ban list:
Green’s Exploration UNB 175
Effective immediately, the following cards are banned in the Eternal format:
Lugia VSTAR SIT 139
Earthen Seal Stone SIT 154
Tickling Machine G1 119
Illus. シグマ
The Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the November 4th JIB Format tournament.
The tournament's results were as follows:
Curse - Kommo-o/Zeraora
Guil - Zoroark/Malamar
Bunnybird12 - Weavile/Cramorant
TandemTCG - Flareon/Torkoal
Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page and join us next month on December 2nd for the Theme Pool tournament!
In a little celebration of Halloween, have some fun building around some of Pokémon’s spookiest monsters!
No Rule Box Pokémon.
Cards from SUM-onward are legal, as are prior prints of cards in a legal set.
The following cards and any alternate prints of them are banned:
All Pokémon in your deck must come from the list of legal Pokémon below.
#19 Alolan Rattata
#20 Alolan Raticate
#41 Zubat
#42 Golbat
#52 Alolan Meowth
#53 Alolan Persian
#88 Alolan Grimer
#89 Alolan Muk
#92 Gastly
#93 Haunter
#94 Gengar
#104 Cubone
#105 Alolan Marowak
#133 Eevee
#146 Galarian Moltres
#150 Mewtwo
#155 Cyandquil
#156 Quilava
#157 Hisuian Typlosion
#167 Spinarak
#168 Ariados
#169 Crobat
#197 Umbreon
#198 Murkrow
#200 Misdreavus
#211 Hisuian Quilfish
#215 Sneasel
#222 Galarian Corsola
#228 Houndour
#229 Houndoom
#238 Surskit
#239 Masquerain
#246 Larvitar
#247 Pupitar
#248 Tyranitar
#261 Poochyena
#262 Mightyena
#263 Galarian Zigzagoon
#264 Galarian Linoone
#273 Seedot
#274 Nuzleaf
#275 Shiftry
#290 Nincada
#291 Ninjask
#292 Shedinja
#302 Sableye
#318 Carvanha
#319 Sharpedo
#332 Cacturne
#342 Crawdaunt
#353 Shuppet
#354 Banette
#355 Duskull
#356 Dusclops
#359 Absol
#361 Snorunt
#425 Drifloon
#426 Drifblim
#429 Mismagius
#430 Honchkrow
#434 Stunky
#435 Skuntank
#442 Spiritomb
#451 Skorupi
#452 Drapion
#461 Weavile
#477 Dusknoir
#478 Froslass
#479 Rotom
#487 Giratina
#491 Darkrai
#501 Oshawott
#502 Dewott
#503 Hisuian Samurott
#509 Purrloin
#510 Liepard
#527 Woobat
#528 Swoobat
#550 Hisuian Basculin
#551 Sandile
#552 Krokorok
#553 Krookodile
#559 Scraggy
#560 Scrafty
#562 Yamask
#563 Cofagrigus
#570 Hisuian Zorua
#570 Zorua
#571 Hisuian Zoroark
#571 Zoroark
#592 Frillish
#593 Jellicent
#595 Joltik
#596 Galvantula
#607 Litwick
#608 Lampent
#609 Chandelure
#622 Golett
#623 Golurk
#624 Pawniard
#625 Bisharp
#629 Vullaby
#630 Mandibuzz
#633 Deino
#634 Zweilous
#635 Hydreigon
#656 Froakie
#657 Frogadier
#658 Ash-Greninja
#658 Greninja
#675 Pangoro
#679 Honedge
#680 Doublade
#681 Aegislash
#686 Inkay
#687 Malamar
#708 Phantump
#709 Trevenant
#710 Pumpkaboo
#711 Gourgeist
#717 Yveltal
#720 Hoopa
#724 Decidueye
#725 Litten
#726 Torracat
#727 Incineroar
#741 Sensu Style Oricorio
#751 Dewpider
#752 Araquanid
#769 Sandyghast
#770 Palossand
#778 Mimikyu
#781 Dhelmise
#789 Cosmog
#790 Cosmoem
#792 Lunala
#799 Guzzlord
#800 Dawn Wings Necrozma
#802 Marshadow
#806 Blacephalon
#827 Nickit
#828 Thievul
#854 Sinistea
#855 Polteageist
#856 Hatenna
#857 Hattrem
#858 Hatterene
#859 Impidimp
#860 Morgrem
#861 Grimmsnarl
#862 Obstagoon
#864 Cursola
#867 Runerigus
#877 Morpeko
#885 Dreepy
#886 Drakloak
#887 Dragapult
#892 Single Strike Urshifu
#893 Zarude
#897 Spectrier
#898 Shadow Rider Calyrex
#902 Basculegion
#904 Overqwil