Alternate Formats Ban List Update: 345, Eternal Formats

All of the following ban list updates are effective immediately.

Two cards have been added to the ban list for the 345 format: Slowbro PGO 20 and Ambipom PGO 57.

Additionally, two cards have been added to the ban list for the Eternal format and one card has been removed from the format’s ban list.

The following cards are now banned in the Eternal format:

Note that because the Black Star Promo 20 version of Psyduck is a reprint of the Psyduck from Fossil, it is also banned by that card’s ban.

The following card is no longer banned in the Eternal format:

Note that this card, like other cards with newer prints, must be played with the newest text printed on any card of the same name. In this case, Pokémon Center’s newest print comes from Black & White—Next Destinies and the Base Set version of the card (and all prints prior to that Next Destinies print) must be played with the newest text.
