Appendix III
2023 Rotation Card Status (SSH-SHF)
Sword & Shield (SSH)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Sword & Shield, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/202 |
Celebi V |
Rotated |
2/202 |
Roselia |
Rotated |
3/202 |
Roselia |
Rotated |
4/202 |
Roserade |
Rotated |
5/202 |
Cottonee |
Rotated |
6/202 |
Whimsicott |
Rotated |
7/202 |
Maractus |
Rotated |
8/202 |
Durant |
Rotated |
9/202 |
Dhelmise V |
Rotated |
10/202 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
11/202 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
12/202 |
Thwackey |
Rotated |
13/202 |
Thwackey |
Rotated |
14/202 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
15/202 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
16/202 |
Blipbug |
Rotated |
17/202 |
Blipbug |
Rotated |
18/202 |
Dottler |
Rotated |
19/202 |
Orbeetle |
Rotated |
20/202 |
Gossifleur |
Rotated |
21/202 |
Eldegoss |
Rotated |
22/202 |
Vulpix |
Rotated |
23/202 |
Ninetales |
Rotated |
24/202 |
Torkoal V |
Rotated |
25/202 |
Victini V |
Rotated |
26/202 |
Heatmor |
Rotated |
27/202 |
Salandit |
Rotated |
28/202 |
Salazzle |
Rotated |
29/202 |
Turtonator |
Rotated |
30/202 |
Scorbunny |
Rotated |
31/202 |
Scorbunny |
Rotated |
32/202 |
Raboot |
Rotated |
33/202 |
Raboot |
Rotated |
34/202 |
Cinderace |
Rotated |
35/202 |
Cinderace |
Rotated |
36/202 |
Cinderace |
Rotated |
37/202 |
Sizzlipede |
Rotated |
38/202 |
Sizzlipede |
Rotated |
39/202 |
Centiskorch |
Rotated |
40/202 |
Shellder |
Rotated |
41/202 |
Cloyster |
Rotated |
42/202 |
Krabby |
Rotated |
43/202 |
Krabby |
Rotated |
44/202 |
Kingler |
Rotated |
45/202 |
Goldeen |
Rotated |
46/202 |
Goldeen |
Rotated |
47/202 |
Seaking |
Rotated |
48/202 |
Lapras |
Rotated |
49/202 |
Lapras V |
Rotated |
50/202 |
Lapras VMAX |
Rotated |
51/202 |
Qwilfish |
Rotated |
52/202 |
Mantine |
Rotated |
53/202 |
Keldeo V |
Rotated |
54/202 |
Sobble |
Rotated |
55/202 |
Sobble |
Rotated |
56/202 |
Drizzile |
Rotated |
57/202 |
Drizzile |
Rotated |
58/202 |
Inteleon |
Rotated |
59/202 |
Inteleon |
Rotated |
60/202 |
Chewtle |
Rotated |
61/202 |
Drednaw |
Rotated |
62/202 |
Cramorant |
Rotated |
63/202 |
Snom |
Rotated |
64/202 |
Frosmoth |
Rotated |
65/202 |
Pikachu |
Rotated |
66/202 |
Raichu |
Rotated |
67/202 |
Chinchou |
Rotated |
68/202 |
Chinchou |
Rotated |
69/202 |
Lanturn |
Rotated |
70/202 |
Joltik |
Rotated |
71/202 |
Galvantula |
Rotated |
72/202 |
Tapu Koko V |
Rotated |
73/202 |
Yamper |
Rotated |
74/202 |
Yamper |
Rotated |
75/202 |
Boltund |
Rotated |
76/202 |
Boltund |
Rotated |
77/202 |
Pincurchin |
Rotated |
78/202 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
79/202 |
Morpeko V |
Rotated |
80/202 |
Morpeko VMAX |
Rotated |
81/202 |
Galarian Ponyta |
Rotated |
82/202 |
Galarian Rapidash |
Rotated |
83/202 |
Gastly |
Rotated |
84/202 |
Haunter |
Rotated |
85/202 |
Gengar |
Rotated |
86/202 |
Wobbuffet V |
Rotated |
87/202 |
Munna |
Rotated |
88/202 |
Musharna |
Rotated |
89/202 |
Sinistea |
Rotated |
90/202 |
Polteageist |
Rotated |
91/202 |
Indeedee V |
Rotated |
92/202 |
Diglett |
Rotated |
93/202 |
Dugtrio |
Rotated |
94/202 |
Hitmonlee |
Rotated |
95/202 |
Hitmonchan |
Rotated |
96/202 |
Rhyhorn |
Rotated |
97/202 |
Rhyhorn |
Rotated |
98/202 |
Rhydon |
Rotated |
99/202 |
Rhyperior |
Rotated |
100/202 |
Sudowoodo |
Rotated |
101/202 |
Baltoy |
Rotated |
102/202 |
Baltoy |
Rotated |
103/202 |
Claydol |
Rotated |
104/202 |
Regirock V |
Rotated |
105/202 |
Mudbray |
Rotated |
106/202 |
Mudsdale |
Rotated |
107/202 |
Silicobra |
Rotated |
108/202 |
Silicobra |
Rotated |
109/202 |
Sandaconda |
Rotated |
110/202 |
Sandaconda |
Rotated |
111/202 |
Clobbopus |
Rotated |
112/202 |
Clobbopus |
Rotated |
113/202 |
Grapploct |
Rotated |
114/202 |
Stonjourner |
Rotated |
115/202 |
Stonjourner V |
Rotated |
116/202 |
Stonjourner VMAX |
Rotated |
117/202 |
Galarian Zigzagoon |
Rotated |
118/202 |
Galarian Linoone |
Rotated |
119/202 |
Galarian Obstagoon |
Rotated |
120/202 |
Sableye V |
Rotated |
121/202 |
Skorupi |
Rotated |
122/202 |
Drapion |
Rotated |
123/202 |
Croagunk |
Rotated |
124/202 |
Toxicroak |
Rotated |
125/202 |
Nickit |
Rotated |
126/202 |
Thievul |
Rotated |
127/202 |
Galarian Meowth |
Rotated |
128/202 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
129/202 |
Mawile |
Rotated |
130/202 |
Ferroseed |
Rotated |
131/202 |
Ferrothorn |
Rotated |
132/202 |
Galarian Stunfisk |
Rotated |
133/202 |
Pawniard |
Rotated |
134/202 |
Bisharp |
Rotated |
135/202 |
Corviknight |
Rotated |
136/202 |
Cufant |
Rotated |
137/202 |
Copperajah |
Rotated |
138/202 |
Zacian V |
Rotated |
139/202 |
Zamazenta V |
Rotated |
140/202 |
Snorlax |
Rotated |
141/202 |
Snorlax V |
Rotated |
142/202 |
Snorlax VMAX |
Rotated |
143/202 |
Hoothoot |
Rotated |
144/202 |
Noctowl |
Rotated |
145/202 |
Minccino |
Rotated |
146/202 |
Minccino |
Rotated |
147/202 |
Cinccino |
Rotated |
148/202 |
Oranguru |
Rotated |
149/202 |
Drampa |
Rotated |
150/202 |
Rookidee |
Rotated |
151/202 |
Corvisquire |
Rotated |
152/202 |
Wooloo |
Rotated |
153/202 |
Wooloo |
Rotated |
154/202 |
Dubwool |
Rotated |
155/202 |
Cramorant V |
Rotated |
156/202 |
Air Balloon |
Rotated |
157/202 |
Bede |
Rotated |
158/202 |
Big Charm |
Rotated |
159/202 |
Crushing Hammer |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
160/202 |
Energy Retrieval |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
161/202 |
Energy Search |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
162/202 |
Energy Switch |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
163/202 |
Evolution Incense |
Rotated |
164/202 |
Great Ball |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
165/202 |
Hop |
Rotated |
166/202 |
Hyper Potion |
Rotated |
167/202 |
Lucky Egg |
Rotated |
168/202 |
Lum Berry |
Rotated |
169/202 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
170/202 |
Metal Saucer |
Rotated |
171/202 |
Ordinary Rod |
Rotated |
172/202 |
Pal Pad |
Safe, Reprinted in Scarlet & Violet (G Regulation Mark) |
173/202 |
Poké Kid |
Rotated |
174/202 |
Pokégear 3.0 |
Safe, Reprinted in Scarlet & Violet (G Regulation Mark) |
175/202 |
Pokémon Catcher |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
176/202 |
Pokémon Center Lady |
Rotated |
177/202 |
Potion |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
178/202 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
179/202 |
Quick Ball |
Rotated |
180/202 |
Rare Candy |
Safe, Reprinted in Pokémon GO (F Regulation Mark) |
181/202 |
Rotom Bike |
Rotated |
182/202 |
Sitrus Berry |
Rotated |
183/202 |
Switch |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
184/202 |
Team Yell Grunt |
Rotated |
185/202 |
Vitality Band |
Safe, Reprinted in Scarlet & Violet (G Regulation Mark) |
186/202 |
Aurora Energy |
Rotated |
187/202 |
Dhelmise V |
Rotated |
188/202 |
Torkoal V |
Rotated |
189/202 |
Lapras V |
Rotated |
190/202 |
Morpeko V |
Rotated |
191/202 |
Wobbuffet V |
Rotated |
192/202 |
Indeedee V |
Rotated |
193/202 |
Stonjourner V |
Rotated |
194/202 |
Sableye V |
Rotated |
195/202 |
Zacian V |
Rotated |
196/202 |
Zamazenta V |
Rotated |
197/202 |
Snorlax V |
Rotated |
198/202 |
Cramorant V |
Rotated |
199/202 |
Bede |
Rotated |
200/202 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
201/202 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
202/202 |
Team Yell Grunt |
Rotated |
203/202 |
Lapras VMAX |
Rotated |
204/202 |
Morpeko VMAX |
Rotated |
205/202 |
Stonjourner VMAX |
Rotated |
206/202 |
Snorlax VMAX |
Rotated |
207/202 |
Bede |
Rotated |
208/202 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
209/202 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
210/202 |
Team Yell Grunt |
Rotated |
211/202 |
Zacian V |
Rotated |
212/202 |
Zamazenta V |
Rotated |
213/202 |
Air Balloon |
Rotated |
214/202 |
Metal Saucer |
Rotated |
215/202 |
Ordinary Rod |
Rotated |
216/202 |
Quick Ball |
Rotated |
Rebel Clash (RCL)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Rebel Clash, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/192 |
Caterpie |
Rotated |
2/192 |
Metapod |
Rotated |
3/192 |
Butterfree |
Rotated |
4/192 |
Scyther |
Rotated |
5/192 |
Shuckle |
Rotated |
6/192 |
Heracross |
Rotated |
7/192 |
Lotad |
Rotated |
8/192 |
Lombre |
Rotated |
9/192 |
Ludicolo |
Rotated |
10/192 |
Surskit |
Rotated |
11/192 |
Masquerain |
Rotated |
12/192 |
Snover |
Rotated |
13/192 |
Abomasnow |
Rotated |
14/192 |
Phantump |
Rotated |
15/192 |
Trevenant |
Rotated |
16/192 |
Grubbin |
Rotated |
17/192 |
Rillaboom V |
Rotated |
18/192 |
Rillaboom VMAX |
Rotated |
19/192 |
Eldegoss V |
Rotated |
20/192 |
Applin |
Rotated |
21/192 |
Applin |
Rotated |
22/192 |
Flapple |
Rotated |
23/192 |
Appletun |
Rotated |
24/192 |
Vulpix |
Rotated |
25/192 |
Ninetales |
Rotated |
26/192 |
Ninetales V |
Rotated |
27/192 |
Growlithe |
Rotated |
28/192 |
Arcanine |
Rotated |
29/192 |
Magmar |
Rotated |
30/192 |
Magmortar |
Rotated |
31/192 |
Litwick |
Rotated |
32/192 |
Lampent |
Rotated |
33/192 |
Chandelure |
Rotated |
34/192 |
Heatmor |
Rotated |
35/192 |
Cinderace V |
Rotated |
36/192 |
Cinderace VMAX |
Rotated |
37/192 |
Galarian Mr. Mime |
Rotated |
38/192 |
Galarian Mr. Rime |
Rotated |
39/192 |
Magikarp |
Rotated |
40/192 |
Gyarados |
Rotated |
41/192 |
Wingull |
Rotated |
42/192 |
Pelipper |
Rotated |
43/192 |
Milotic V |
Rotated |
44/192 |
Tympole |
Rotated |
45/192 |
Palpitoad |
Rotated |
46/192 |
Seismitoad |
Rotated |
47/192 |
Galarian Darumaka |
Rotated |
48/192 |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Rotated |
49/192 |
Inteleon V |
Rotated |
50/192 |
Inteleon VMAX |
Rotated |
51/192 |
Cramorant |
Rotated |
52/192 |
Arrokuda |
Rotated |
53/192 |
Barraskewda |
Rotated |
54/192 |
Eiscue |
Rotated |
55/192 |
Eiscue V |
Rotated |
56/192 |
Voltorb |
Rotated |
57/192 |
Electrode |
Rotated |
58/192 |
Electabuzz |
Rotated |
59/192 |
Electivire |
Rotated |
60/192 |
Shinx |
Rotated |
61/192 |
Luxio |
Rotated |
62/192 |
Luxray |
Rotated |
63/192 |
Helioptile |
Rotated |
64/192 |
Heliolisk |
Rotated |
65/192 |
Charjabug |
Rotated |
66/192 |
Vikavolt |
Rotated |
67/192 |
Boltund V |
Rotated |
68/192 |
Toxel |
Rotated |
69/192 |
Toxtricity |
Rotated |
70/192 |
Toxtricity V |
Rotated |
71/192 |
Toxtricity VMAX |
Rotated |
72/192 |
Pincurchin V |
Rotated |
73/192 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
74/192 |
Clefairy |
Rotated |
75/192 |
Clefable |
Rotated |
76/192 |
Natu |
Rotated |
77/192 |
Xatu |
Rotated |
78/192 |
Galarian Corsola |
Rotated |
79/192 |
Galarian Cursola |
Rotated |
80/192 |
Sigilyph |
Rotated |
81/192 |
Sandygast |
Rotated |
82/192 |
Palossand |
Rotated |
83/192 |
Hatenna |
Rotated |
84/192 |
Hattrem |
Rotated |
85/192 |
Hatterene |
Rotated |
86/192 |
Milcery |
Rotated |
87/192 |
Alcremie |
Rotated |
88/192 |
Indeedee |
Rotated |
89/192 |
Dreepy |
Rotated |
90/192 |
Drakloak |
Rotated |
91/192 |
Dragapult |
Rotated |
92/192 |
Dragapult V |
Rotated |
93/192 |
Dragapult VMAX |
Rotated |
94/192 |
Galarian Farfetch'd |
Rotated |
95/192 |
Galarian Sirfetch'd |
Rotated |
96/192 |
Nosepass |
Rotated |
97/192 |
Meditite |
Rotated |
98/192 |
Medicham |
Rotated |
99/192 |
Barboach |
Rotated |
100/192 |
Whiscash |
Rotated |
101/192 |
Galarian Yamask |
Rotated |
102/192 |
Galarian Runerigus |
Rotated |
103/192 |
Binacle |
Rotated |
104/192 |
Barbaracle |
Rotated |
105/192 |
Rolycoly |
Rotated |
106/192 |
Carkol |
Rotated |
107/192 |
Coalossal |
Rotated |
108/192 |
Sandaconda V |
Rotated |
109/192 |
Falinks |
Rotated |
110/192 |
Falinks V |
Rotated |
111/192 |
Stonjourner |
Rotated |
112/192 |
Koffing |
Rotated |
113/192 |
Galarian Weezing |
Rotated |
114/192 |
Stunky |
Rotated |
115/192 |
Skuntank |
Rotated |
116/192 |
Spiritomb |
Rotated |
117/192 |
Trubbish |
Rotated |
118/192 |
Garbodor |
Rotated |
119/192 |
Vullaby |
Rotated |
120/192 |
Mandibuzz |
Rotated |
121/192 |
Malamar V |
Rotated |
122/192 |
Malamar VMAX |
Rotated |
123/192 |
Impidimp |
Rotated |
124/192 |
Morgrem |
Rotated |
125/192 |
Grimmsnarl |
Rotated |
126/192 |
Galarian Meowth |
Rotated |
127/192 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
128/192 |
Scizor |
Rotated |
129/192 |
Bronzor |
Rotated |
130/192 |
Bronzong |
Rotated |
131/192 |
Probopass |
Rotated |
132/192 |
Durant |
Rotated |
133/192 |
Honedge |
Rotated |
134/192 |
Doublade |
Rotated |
135/192 |
Aegislash |
Rotated |
136/192 |
Copperajah V |
Rotated |
137/192 |
Copperajah VMAX |
Rotated |
138/192 |
Duraludon |
Rotated |
139/192 |
Zacian |
Rotated |
140/192 |
Zamazenta |
Rotated |
141/192 |
Snorlax |
Rotated |
142/192 |
Chatot |
Rotated |
143/192 |
Pidove |
Rotated |
144/192 |
Tranquill |
Rotated |
145/192 |
Unfezant |
Rotated |
146/192 |
Bunnelby |
Rotated |
147/192 |
Diggersby |
Rotated |
148/192 |
Hawlucha |
Rotated |
149/192 |
Stufful |
Rotated |
150/192 |
Bewear |
Rotated |
151/192 |
Skwovet |
Rotated |
152/192 |
Greedent |
Rotated |
153/192 |
Dubwool V |
Rotated |
154/192 |
Boss's Orders |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
155/192 |
Burning Scarf |
Rotated |
156/192 |
Capacious Bucket |
Rotated |
157/192 |
Cursed Shovel |
Rotated |
158/192 |
Dan |
Rotated |
159/192 |
Full Heal |
Rotated |
160/192 |
Galar Mine |
Rotated |
161/192 |
Milo |
Rotated |
162/192 |
Nugget |
Rotated |
163/192 |
Oleana |
Rotated |
164/192 |
Poké Ball |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
165/192 |
Scoop Up Net |
Rotated |
166/192 |
Skyla |
Rotated |
167/192 |
Sonia |
Rotated |
168/192 |
Tool Scrapper |
Rotated |
169/192 |
Training Court |
Rotated |
170/192 |
Turffield Stadium |
Rotated |
171/192 |
Capture Energy |
Rotated |
172/192 |
Horror Psychic Energy |
Rotated |
173/192 |
Speed Lightning Energy |
Rotated |
174/192 |
Twin Energy |
Rotated |
175/192 |
Rillaboom V |
Rotated |
176/192 |
Eldegoss V |
Rotated |
177/192 |
Ninetales V |
Rotated |
178/192 |
Cinderace V |
Rotated |
179/192 |
Milotic V |
Rotated |
180/192 |
Inteleon V |
Rotated |
181/192 |
Boltund V |
Rotated |
182/192 |
Toxtricity V |
Rotated |
183/192 |
Dragapult V |
Rotated |
184/192 |
Sandaconda V |
Rotated |
185/192 |
Falinks V |
Rotated |
186/192 |
Malamar V |
Rotated |
187/192 |
Copperajah V |
Rotated |
188/192 |
Dubwool V |
Rotated |
189/192 |
Boss's Orders |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
190/192 |
Milo |
Rotated |
191/192 |
Oleana |
Rotated |
192/192 |
Sonia |
Rotated |
193/192 |
Rillaboom VMAX |
Rotated |
194/192 |
Cinderace VMAX |
Rotated |
195/192 |
Inteleon VMAX |
Rotated |
196/192 |
Toxtricity VMAX |
Rotated |
197/192 |
Dragapult VMAX |
Rotated |
198/192 |
Malamar VMAX |
Rotated |
199/192 |
Copperajah VMAX |
Rotated |
200/192 |
Boss's Orders |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
201/192 |
Milo |
Rotated |
202/192 |
Oleana |
Rotated |
203/192 |
Sonia |
Rotated |
204/192 |
Frosmoth |
Rotated |
205/192 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
206/192 |
Big Charm |
Rotated |
207/192 |
Scoop Up Net |
Rotated |
208/192 |
Tool Scrapper |
Rotated |
209/192 |
Twin Energy |
Rotated |
Darkness Ablaze (DAA)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Darkness Ablaze, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/197 |
Butterfree V |
Rotated |
2/197 |
Butterfree VMAX |
Rotated |
3/197 |
Paras |
Rotated |
4/197 |
Parasect |
Rotated |
5/197 |
Carnivine |
Rotated |
6/197 |
Pansage |
Rotated |
7/197 |
Simisage |
Rotated |
8/197 |
Karrablast |
Rotated |
9/197 |
Shelmet |
Rotated |
10/197 |
Accelgor |
Rotated |
11/197 |
Rowlet |
Rotated |
12/197 |
Dartrix |
Rotated |
13/197 |
Decidueye |
Rotated |
14/197 |
Bounsweet |
Rotated |
15/197 |
Steenee |
Rotated |
16/197 |
Tsareena |
Rotated |
17/197 |
Wimpod |
Rotated |
18/197 |
Golisopod |
Rotated |
19/197 |
Charizard V |
Rotated |
20/197 |
Charizard VMAX |
Rotated |
21/197 |
Houndoom V |
Rotated |
22/197 |
Torchic |
Rotated |
23/197 |
Combusken |
Rotated |
24/197 |
Blaziken |
Rotated |
25/197 |
Heatran |
Rotated |
26/197 |
Pansear |
Rotated |
27/197 |
Simisear |
Rotated |
28/197 |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Rotated |
29/197 |
Larvesta |
Rotated |
30/197 |
Volcarona |
Rotated |
31/197 |
Fletchinder |
Rotated |
32/197 |
Talonflame |
Rotated |
33/197 |
Centiskorch V |
Rotated |
34/197 |
Centiskorch VMAX |
Rotated |
35/197 |
Galarian Mr. Mime |
Rotated |
36/197 |
Galarian Mr. Rime |
Rotated |
37/197 |
Suicune |
Rotated |
38/197 |
Feebas |
Rotated |
39/197 |
Milotic |
Rotated |
40/197 |
Relicanth |
Rotated |
41/197 |
Panpour |
Rotated |
42/197 |
Simipour |
Rotated |
43/197 |
Galarian Darumaka |
Rotated |
44/197 |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Rotated |
45/197 |
Vanillite |
Rotated |
46/197 |
Vanillish |
Rotated |
47/197 |
Vanilluxe |
Rotated |
48/197 |
Cubchoo |
Rotated |
49/197 |
Beartic |
Rotated |
50/197 |
Wishiwashi |
Rotated |
51/197 |
Mareanie |
Rotated |
52/197 |
Toxapex |
Rotated |
53/197 |
Dracovish |
Rotated |
54/197 |
Arctovish |
Rotated |
55/197 |
Mareep |
Rotated |
56/197 |
Flaaffy |
Rotated |
57/197 |
Ampharos |
Rotated |
58/197 |
Electrike |
Rotated |
59/197 |
Manectric |
Rotated |
60/197 |
Vikavolt V |
Rotated |
61/197 |
Tapu Koko |
Rotated |
62/197 |
Toxel |
Rotated |
63/197 |
Toxtricity |
Rotated |
64/197 |
Pincurchin |
Rotated |
65/197 |
Dracozolt |
Rotated |
66/197 |
Arctozolt |
Rotated |
67/197 |
Jigglypuff |
Rotated |
68/197 |
Wigglytuff |
Rotated |
69/197 |
Mew V |
Rotated |
70/197 |
Snubbull |
Rotated |
71/197 |
Granbull |
Rotated |
72/197 |
Lunatone |
Rotated |
73/197 |
Gothita |
Rotated |
74/197 |
Gothorita |
Rotated |
75/197 |
Gothitelle |
Rotated |
76/197 |
Golett |
Rotated |
77/197 |
Golurk |
Rotated |
78/197 |
Dedenne |
Rotated |
79/197 |
Morelull |
Rotated |
80/197 |
Shiinotic |
Rotated |
81/197 |
Mimikyu |
Rotated |
82/197 |
Sinistea |
Rotated |
83/197 |
Polteageist |
Rotated |
84/197 |
Diglett |
Rotated |
85/197 |
Dugtrio |
Rotated |
86/197 |
Larvitar |
Rotated |
87/197 |
Pupitar |
Rotated |
88/197 |
Tyranitar |
Rotated |
89/197 |
Trapinch |
Rotated |
90/197 |
Vibrava |
Rotated |
91/197 |
Flygon |
Rotated |
92/197 |
Solrock |
Rotated |
93/197 |
Hippopotas |
Rotated |
94/197 |
Hippowdon |
Rotated |
95/197 |
Rhyperior V |
Rotated |
96/197 |
Diggersby |
Rotated |
97/197 |
Passimian |
Rotated |
98/197 |
Galarian Sirfetch'd |
Rotated |
99/197 |
Galarian Slowbro V |
Rotated |
100/197 |
Grimer |
Rotated |
101/197 |
Muk |
Rotated |
102/197 |
Spinarak |
Rotated |
103/197 |
Ariados |
Rotated |
104/197 |
Crobat V |
Rotated |
105/197 |
Darkrai |
Rotated |
106/197 |
Purrloin |
Rotated |
107/197 |
Liepard |
Rotated |
108/197 |
Deino |
Rotated |
109/197 |
Zweilous |
Rotated |
110/197 |
Hydreigon |
Rotated |
111/197 |
Hoopa |
Rotated |
112/197 |
Nickit |
Rotated |
113/197 |
Thievul |
Rotated |
114/197 |
Grimmsnarl V |
Rotated |
115/197 |
Grimmsnarl VMAX |
Rotated |
116/197 |
Eternatus V |
Rotated |
117/197 |
Eternatus VMAX |
Rotated |
118/197 |
Scizor V |
Rotated |
119/197 |
Scizor VMAX |
Rotated |
120/197 |
Skarmory |
Rotated |
121/197 |
Aron |
Rotated |
122/197 |
Lairon |
Rotated |
123/197 |
Aggron |
Rotated |
124/197 |
Escavalier |
Rotated |
125/197 |
Klink |
Rotated |
126/197 |
Klang |
Rotated |
127/197 |
Klinklang |
Rotated |
128/197 |
Galarian Stunfisk V |
Rotated |
129/197 |
Meltan |
Rotated |
130/197 |
Melmetal |
Rotated |
131/197 |
Cufant |
Rotated |
132/197 |
Copperajah |
Rotated |
133/197 |
Kangaskhan |
Rotated |
134/197 |
Tauros |
Rotated |
135/197 |
Sentret |
Rotated |
136/197 |
Furret |
Rotated |
137/197 |
Dunsparce |
Rotated |
138/197 |
Teddiursa |
Rotated |
139/197 |
Ursaring |
Rotated |
140/197 |
Lugia |
Rotated |
141/197 |
Skitty |
Rotated |
142/197 |
Delcatty |
Rotated |
143/197 |
Salamence V |
Rotated |
144/197 |
Salamence VMAX |
Rotated |
145/197 |
Starly |
Rotated |
146/197 |
Staravia |
Rotated |
147/197 |
Staraptor |
Rotated |
148/197 |
Ducklett |
Rotated |
149/197 |
Swanna |
Rotated |
150/197 |
Bunnelby |
Rotated |
151/197 |
Fletchling |
Rotated |
152/197 |
Skwovet |
Rotated |
153/197 |
Greedent |
Rotated |
154/197 |
Rookidee |
Rotated |
155/197 |
Corvisquire |
Rotated |
156/197 |
Corviknight |
Rotated |
157/197 |
Big Parasol |
Rotated |
158/197 |
Billowing Smoke |
Rotated |
159/197 |
Bird Keeper |
Rotated |
160/197 |
Cape of Toughness |
Rotated |
161/197 |
Familiar Bell |
Rotated |
162/197 |
Glimwood Tangle |
Rotated |
163/197 |
Kabu |
Rotated |
164/197 |
Old PC |
Rotated |
165/197 |
Piers |
Rotated |
166/197 |
Pokémon Breeder's Nurturing |
Rotated |
167/197 |
Rare Fossil |
Rotated |
168/197 |
Rose |
Rotated |
169/197 |
Rose Tower |
Rotated |
170/197 |
Spikemuth |
Rotated |
171/197 |
Struggle Gloves |
Rotated |
172/197 |
Turbo Patch |
Rotated |
173/197 |
Yell Horn |
Rotated |
174/197 |
Heat Fire Energy |
Rotated |
175/197 |
Hiding Darkness Energy |
Rotated |
176/197 |
Powerful Colorless Energy |
Rotated |
177/197 |
Butterfree V |
Rotated |
178/197 |
Houndoom V |
Rotated |
179/197 |
Centiskorch V |
Rotated |
180/197 |
Vikavolt V |
Rotated |
181/197 |
Rhyperior V |
Rotated |
182/197 |
Crobat V |
Rotated |
183/197 |
Scizor V |
Rotated |
184/197 |
Galarian Stunfisk V |
Rotated |
185/197 |
Salamence V |
Rotated |
186/197 |
Kabu |
Rotated |
187/197 |
Piers |
Rotated |
188/197 |
Pokémon Breeder's Nurturing |
Rotated |
189/197 |
Rose |
Rotated |
190/197 |
Butterfree VMAX |
Rotated |
191/197 |
Centiskorch VMAX |
Rotated |
192/197 |
Eternatus VMAX |
Rotated |
193/197 |
Scizor VMAX |
Rotated |
194/197 |
Salamence VMAX |
Rotated |
195/197 |
Pokémon Breeder's Nurturing |
Rotated |
196/197 |
Rose |
Rotated |
197/197 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
198/197 |
Coalossal |
Rotated |
199/197 |
Big Parasol |
Rotated |
200/197 |
Turbo Patch |
Rotated |
201/197 |
Capture Energy |
Rotated |
Champion’s Path (CPA)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Champion’s Path, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/73 |
Venusaur V |
Rotated |
2/73 |
Weedle |
Rotated |
3/73 |
Kakuna |
Rotated |
4/73 |
Beedrill |
Rotated |
5/73 |
Eldegoss V |
Rotated |
6/73 |
Vulpix |
Rotated |
7/73 |
Victini |
Rotated |
8/73 |
Incineroar V |
Rotated |
9/73 |
Sizzlipede |
Rotated |
10/73 |
Centiskorch |
Rotated |
11/73 |
Carvanha |
Rotated |
12/73 |
Sharpedo |
Rotated |
13/73 |
Wailord V |
Rotated |
14/73 |
Drednaw V |
Rotated |
15/73 |
Drednaw VMAX |
Rotated |
16/73 |
Gardevoir V |
Rotated |
17/73 |
Gardevoir VMAX |
Rotated |
18/73 |
Hatenna |
Rotated |
19/73 |
Hattrem |
Rotated |
20/73 |
Hatterene |
Rotated |
21/73 |
Galarian Cursola V |
Rotated |
22/73 |
Alcremie V |
Rotated |
23/73 |
Alcremie VMAX |
Rotated |
24/73 |
Machop |
Rotated |
25/73 |
Machoke |
Rotated |
26/73 |
Machamp |
Rotated |
27/73 |
Lucario V |
Rotated |
28/73 |
Zygarde |
Rotated |
29/73 |
Rockruff |
Rotated |
30/73 |
Lycanroc |
Rotated |
31/73 |
Rolycoly |
Rotated |
32/73 |
Grapploct V |
Rotated |
33/73 |
Ekans |
Rotated |
34/73 |
Arbok |
Rotated |
35/73 |
Galarian Zigzagoon |
Rotated |
36/73 |
Galarian Linoone |
Rotated |
37/73 |
Galarian Obstagoon |
Rotated |
38/73 |
Absol |
Rotated |
39/73 |
Purrloin |
Rotated |
40/73 |
Liepard |
Rotated |
41/73 |
Scraggy |
Rotated |
42/73 |
Scrafty |
Rotated |
43/73 |
Trubbish |
Rotated |
44/73 |
Inkay |
Rotated |
45/73 |
Malamar |
Rotated |
46/73 |
Nickit |
Rotated |
47/73 |
Duraludon V |
Rotated |
48/73 |
Swablu |
Rotated |
49/73 |
Altaria |
Rotated |
50/73 |
Bede |
Rotated |
51/73 |
Full Heal |
Rotated |
52/73 |
Great Ball |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
53/73 |
Hop |
Rotated |
54/73 |
Hyper Potion |
Rotated |
55/73 |
Kabu |
Rotated |
56/73 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
57/73 |
Milo |
Rotated |
58/73 |
Piers |
Rotated |
59/73 |
Poké Ball |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
60/73 |
Pokémon Center Lady |
Rotated |
61/73 |
Potion |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
62/73 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
63/73 |
Rotom Bike |
Rotated |
64/73 |
Rotom Phone |
Rotated |
65/73 |
Sonia |
Rotated |
66/73 |
Suspicious Food Tin |
Rotated |
67/73 |
Team Yell Grunt |
Rotated |
68/73 |
Turffield Stadium |
Rotated |
69/73 |
Drednaw V |
Rotated |
70/73 |
Gardevoir V |
Rotated |
71/73 |
Galarian Cursola V |
Rotated |
72/73 |
Grapploct V |
Rotated |
73/73 |
Hop |
Rotated |
74/73 |
Charizard VMAX |
Rotated |
75/73 |
Drednaw VMAX |
Rotated |
76/73 |
Gardevoir VMAX |
Rotated |
77/73 |
Kabu |
Rotated |
78/73 |
Piers |
Rotated |
79/73 |
Charizard V |
Rotated |
80/73 |
Suspicious Food Tin |
Rotated |
Vivid Voltage (VIV)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Vivid Voltage, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/185 |
Weedle |
Rotated |
2/185 |
Kakuna |
Rotated |
3/185 |
Beedrill |
Rotated |
4/185 |
Exeggcute |
Rotated |
5/185 |
Exeggutor |
Rotated |
6/185 |
Yanma |
Rotated |
7/185 |
Yanmega |
Rotated |
8/185 |
Pineco |
Rotated |
9/185 |
Celebi |
Rotated |
10/185 |
Seedot |
Rotated |
11/185 |
Nuzleaf |
Rotated |
12/185 |
Shiftry |
Rotated |
13/185 |
Nincada |
Rotated |
14/185 |
Ninjask |
Rotated |
15/185 |
Shaymin |
Rotated |
16/185 |
Genesect |
Rotated |
17/185 |
Skiddo |
Rotated |
18/185 |
Gogoat |
Rotated |
19/185 |
Dhelmise |
Rotated |
20/185 |
Orbeetle V |
Rotated |
21/185 |
Orbeetle VMAX |
Rotated |
22/185 |
Zarude V |
Rotated |
23/185 |
Charmander |
Rotated |
24/185 |
Charmeleon |
Rotated |
25/185 |
Charizard |
Rotated |
26/185 |
Flareon |
Rotated |
27/185 |
Slugma |
Rotated |
28/185 |
Magcargo |
Rotated |
29/185 |
Talonflame V |
Rotated |
30/185 |
Vaporeon |
Rotated |
31/185 |
Wailmer |
Rotated |
32/185 |
Wailord |
Rotated |
33/185 |
Oshawott |
Rotated |
34/185 |
Dewott |
Rotated |
35/185 |
Samurott |
Rotated |
36/185 |
Galarian Darmanitan V |
Rotated |
37/185 |
Galarian Darmanitan VMAX |
Rotated |
38/185 |
Chewtle |
Rotated |
39/185 |
Drednaw |
Rotated |
40/185 |
Cramorant |
Rotated |
41/185 |
Arrokuda |
Rotated |
42/185 |
Barraskewda |
Rotated |
43/185 |
Pikachu V |
Rotated |
44/185 |
Pikachu VMAX |
Rotated |
45/185 |
Voltorb |
Rotated |
46/185 |
Electrode |
Rotated |
47/185 |
Jolteon |
Rotated |
48/185 |
Zapdos |
Rotated |
49/185 |
Ampharos V |
Rotated |
50/185 |
Raikou |
Rotated |
51/185 |
Electrike |
Rotated |
52/185 |
Manectric |
Rotated |
53/185 |
Blitzle |
Rotated |
54/185 |
Zebstrika |
Rotated |
55/185 |
Joltik |
Rotated |
56/185 |
Galvantula |
Rotated |
57/185 |
Tynamo |
Rotated |
58/185 |
Eelektrik |
Rotated |
59/185 |
Eelektross |
Rotated |
60/185 |
Zekrom |
Rotated |
61/185 |
Zeraora |
Rotated |
62/185 |
Pincurchin |
Rotated |
63/185 |
Clefairy |
Rotated |
64/185 |
Clefable |
Rotated |
65/185 |
Girafarig |
Rotated |
66/185 |
Shedinja |
Rotated |
67/185 |
Shuppet |
Rotated |
68/185 |
Banette |
Rotated |
69/185 |
Duskull |
Rotated |
70/185 |
Dusclops |
Rotated |
71/185 |
Dusknoir |
Rotated |
72/185 |
Chimecho |
Rotated |
73/185 |
Woobat |
Rotated |
74/185 |
Swoobat |
Rotated |
75/185 |
Cottonee |
Rotated |
76/185 |
Whimsicott |
Rotated |
77/185 |
Dedenne |
Rotated |
78/185 |
Xerneas |
Rotated |
79/185 |
Diancie |
Rotated |
80/185 |
Milcery |
Rotated |
81/185 |
Alcremie |
Rotated |
82/185 |
Zacian |
Rotated |
83/185 |
Wooper |
Rotated |
84/185 |
Quagsire |
Rotated |
85/185 |
Shuckle |
Rotated |
86/185 |
Phanpy |
Rotated |
87/185 |
Donphan |
Rotated |
88/185 |
Hitmontop |
Rotated |
89/185 |
Regirock |
Rotated |
90/185 |
Riolu |
Rotated |
91/185 |
Drilbur |
Rotated |
92/185 |
Terrakion |
Rotated |
93/185 |
Zygarde |
Rotated |
94/185 |
Rockruff |
Rotated |
95/185 |
Lycanroc |
Rotated |
96/185 |
Mudbray |
Rotated |
97/185 |
Mudsdale |
Rotated |
98/185 |
Coalossal V |
Rotated |
99/185 |
Coalossal VMAX |
Rotated |
100/185 |
Clobbopus |
Rotated |
101/185 |
Grapploct |
Rotated |
102/185 |
Zamazenta |
Rotated |
103/185 |
Poochyena |
Rotated |
104/185 |
Mightyena |
Rotated |
105/185 |
Sableye |
Rotated |
106/185 |
Drapion V |
Rotated |
107/185 |
Sandile |
Rotated |
108/185 |
Krokorok |
Rotated |
109/185 |
Krookodile |
Rotated |
110/185 |
Trubbish |
Rotated |
111/185 |
Garbodor |
Rotated |
112/185 |
Galarian Meowth |
Rotated |
113/185 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
114/185 |
Forretress |
Rotated |
115/185 |
Steelix V |
Rotated |
116/185 |
Beldum |
Rotated |
117/185 |
Metang |
Rotated |
118/185 |
Metagross |
Rotated |
119/185 |
Jirachi |
Rotated |
120/185 |
Lucario |
Rotated |
121/185 |
Dialga |
Rotated |
122/185 |
Excadrill |
Rotated |
123/185 |
Ferroseed |
Rotated |
124/185 |
Ferrothorn |
Rotated |
125/185 |
Galarian Stunfisk |
Rotated |
126/185 |
Aegislash V |
Rotated |
127/185 |
Aegislash VMAX |
Rotated |
128/185 |
Magearna |
Rotated |
129/185 |
Duraludon |
Rotated |
130/185 |
Eevee |
Rotated |
131/185 |
Snorlax |
Rotated |
132/185 |
Lugia |
Rotated |
133/185 |
Taillow |
Rotated |
134/185 |
Swellow |
Rotated |
135/185 |
Whismur |
Rotated |
136/185 |
Loudred |
Rotated |
137/185 |
Exploud |
Rotated |
138/185 |
Rayquaza |
Rotated |
139/185 |
Chatot |
Rotated |
140/185 |
Togekiss V |
Rotated |
141/185 |
Togekiss VMAX |
Rotated |
142/185 |
Tornadus |
Rotated |
143/185 |
Pikipek |
Rotated |
144/185 |
Trumbeak |
Rotated |
145/185 |
Toucannon |
Rotated |
146/185 |
Allister |
Rotated |
147/185 |
Bea |
Rotated |
148/185 |
Beauty |
Rotated |
149/185 |
Cara Liss |
Rotated |
150/185 |
Circhester Bath |
Rotated |
151/185 |
Drone Rotom |
Rotated |
152/185 |
Hero's Medal |
Rotated |
153/185 |
League Staff |
Rotated |
154/185 |
Leon |
Rotated |
155/185 |
Memory Capsule |
Rotated |
156/185 |
Moomoo Cheese |
Rotated |
157/185 |
Nessa |
Rotated |
158/185 |
Opal |
Rotated |
159/185 |
Rocky Helmet |
Rotated |
160/185 |
Telescopic Sight |
Rotated |
161/185 |
Wyndon Stadium |
Rotated |
162/185 |
Aromatic Grass Energy |
Rotated |
163/185 |
Coating Metal Energy |
Rotated |
164/185 |
Stone Fighting Energy |
Rotated |
165/185 |
Wash Water Energy |
Rotated |
166/185 |
Orbeetle V |
Rotated |
167/185 |
Zarude V |
Rotated |
168/185 |
Talonflame V |
Rotated |
169/185 |
Galarian Darmanitan V |
Rotated |
170/185 |
Pikachu V |
Rotated |
171/185 |
Ampharos V |
Rotated |
172/185 |
Alakazam V |
Rotated |
173/185 |
Coalossal V |
Rotated |
174/185 |
Galarian Sirfetch'd V |
Rotated |
175/185 |
Drapion V |
Rotated |
176/185 |
Steelix V |
Rotated |
177/185 |
Aegislash V |
Rotated |
178/185 |
Togekiss V |
Rotated |
179/185 |
Allister |
Rotated |
180/185 |
Bea |
Rotated |
181/185 |
Beauty |
Rotated |
182/185 |
Leon |
Rotated |
183/185 |
Nessa |
Rotated |
184/185 |
Opal |
Rotated |
185/185 |
Pokémon Center Lady |
Rotated |
186/185 |
Orbeetle VMAX |
Rotated |
187/185 |
Galarian Darmanitan VMAX |
Rotated |
188/185 |
Pikachu VMAX |
Rotated |
189/185 |
Coalossal VMAX |
Rotated |
190/185 |
Aegislash VMAX |
Rotated |
191/185 |
Togekiss VMAX |
Rotated |
192/185 |
Allister |
Rotated |
193/185 |
Bea |
Rotated |
194/185 |
Beauty |
Rotated |
195/185 |
Leon |
Rotated |
196/185 |
Nessa |
Rotated |
197/185 |
Opal |
Rotated |
198/185 |
Galarian Obstagoon |
Rotated |
199/185 |
Oranguru |
Rotated |
200/185 |
Cape of Toughness |
Rotated |
201/185 |
Hero's Medal |
Rotated |
202/185 |
Memory Capsule |
Rotated |
203/185 |
Telescopic Sight |
Rotated |
Shining Fates (SHF)
Below is the full list of cards in the set Shining Fates and its Shiny Vault, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/72 |
Yanma |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
2/72 |
Yanmega |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
3/72 |
Celebi |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
4/72 |
Cacnea |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
5/72 |
Tropius |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
6/72 |
Rowlet |
Rotated |
7/72 |
Dartrix |
Rotated |
8/72 |
Decidueye |
Rotated |
9/72 |
Dhelmise V |
Rotated |
10/72 |
Dhelmise VMAX |
Rotated |
11/72 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
12/72 |
Thwackey |
Rotated |
13/72 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
14/72 |
Gossifleur |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
15/72 |
Eldegoss |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
16/72 |
Zarude |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
17/72 |
Reshiram |
Rotated |
18/72 |
Cinderace V |
Rotated |
19/72 |
Cinderace VMAX |
Rotated |
20/72 |
Horsea |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
21/72 |
Kyogre |
Rotated |
22/72 |
Buizel |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
23/72 |
Floatzel |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
24/72 |
Manaphy |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
25/72 |
Volcanion |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
26/72 |
Chewtle |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
27/72 |
Drednaw |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
28/72 |
Cramorant |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
29/72 |
Snom |
Rotated |
30/72 |
Frosmoth |
Rotated |
31/72 |
Shinx |
Rotated |
32/72 |
Luxio |
Rotated |
33/72 |
Luxray |
Rotated |
34/72 |
Rotom |
Rotated |
35/72 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
36/72 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
37/72 |
Morpeko V |
Rotated |
38/72 |
Morpeko VMAX |
Rotated |
39/72 |
Indeedee V |
Rotated |
40/72 |
Trapinch |
Rotated |
41/72 |
Koffing |
Rotated |
42/72 |
Galarian Weezing |
Rotated |
43/72 |
Spinarak |
Rotated |
44/72 |
Crobat V |
Rotated |
45/72 |
Crobat VMAX |
Rotated |
46/72 |
Yveltal |
Rotated |
47/72 |
Nickit |
Rotated |
48/72 |
Thievul |
Rotated |
49/72 |
Cufant |
Rotated |
50/72 |
Ditto V |
Rotated |
51/72 |
Ditto VMAX |
Rotated |
52/72 |
Eevee |
Rotated |
53/72 |
Greedent V |
Rotated |
54/72 |
Cramorant V |
Rotated |
55/72 |
Cramorant VMAX |
Rotated |
56/72 |
Indeedee |
Rotated |
57/72 |
Ball Guy |
Rotated |
58/72 |
Boss's Orders |
59/72 |
Gym Trainer |
Rotated |
60/72 |
Professor's Research |
61/72 |
Rusted Shield |
Rotated |
62/72 |
Rusted Sword |
Rotated |
63/72 |
Team Yell Towel |
Rotated |
64/72 |
Alcremie V |
Rotated |
65/72 |
Ball Guy |
Rotated |
66/72 |
Bird Keeper |
Rotated |
67/72 |
Cara Liss |
Rotated |
68/72 |
Gym Trainer |
Rotated |
69/72 |
Piers |
Rotated |
70/72 |
Poké Kid |
Rotated |
71/72 |
Rose |
Rotated |
72/72 |
Skyla |
Rotated |
73/72 |
Alcremie VMAX |
Rotated |
SV1/SV122 |
Rowlet |
Rotated |
SV2/SV122 |
Dartrix |
Rotated |
SV3/SV122 |
Decidueye |
Rotated |
SV4/SV122 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
SV5/SV122 |
Thwackey |
Rotated |
SV6/SV122 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
SV7/SV122 |
Blipbug |
Rotated |
SV8/SV122 |
Dottler |
Rotated |
SV9/SV122 |
Orbeetle |
Rotated |
SV10/SV122 |
Gossifleur |
Rotated |
SV11/SV122 |
Eldegoss |
Rotated |
SV12/SV122 |
Applin |
Rotated |
SV13/SV122 |
Flapple |
Rotated |
SV14/SV122 |
Appletun |
Rotated |
SV15/SV122 |
Scorbunny |
Rotated |
SV16/SV122 |
Raboot |
Rotated |
SV17/SV122 |
Cinderace |
Rotated |
SV18/SV122 |
Sizzlipede |
Rotated |
SV19/SV122 |
Centiskorch |
Rotated |
SV20/SV122 |
Galarian Mr. Mime |
Rotated |
SV21/SV122 |
Galarian Mr. Rime |
Rotated |
SV22/SV122 |
Suicune |
Rotated |
SV23/SV122 |
Galarian Darumaka |
Rotated |
SV24/SV122 |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Rotated |
SV25/SV122 |
Sobble |
Rotated |
SV26/SV122 |
Drizzile |
Rotated |
SV27/SV122 |
Inteleon |
Rotated |
SV28/SV122 |
Chewtle |
Rotated |
SV29/SV122 |
Drednaw |
Rotated |
SV30/SV122 |
Cramorant |
Rotated |
SV31/SV122 |
Arrokuda |
Rotated |
SV32/SV122 |
Barraskewda |
Rotated |
SV33/SV122 |
Snom |
Rotated |
SV34/SV122 |
Frosmoth |
Rotated |
SV35/SV122 |
Eiscue |
Rotated |
SV36/SV122 |
Dracovish |
Rotated |
SV37/SV122 |
Arctovish |
Rotated |
SV38/SV122 |
Rotom |
Rotated |
SV39/SV122 |
Yamper |
Rotated |
SV40/SV122 |
Boltund |
Rotated |
SV41/SV122 |
Toxel |
Rotated |
SV42/SV122 |
Toxtricity |
Rotated |
SV43/SV122 |
Pincurchin |
Rotated |
SV44/SV122 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
SV45/SV122 |
Dracozolt |
Rotated |
SV46/SV122 |
Arctozolt |
Rotated |
SV47/SV122 |
Galarian Ponyta |
Rotated |
SV48/SV122 |
Galarian Rapidash |
Rotated |
SV49/SV122 |
Galarian Corsola |
Rotated |
SV50/SV122 |
Galarian Cursola |
Rotated |
SV51/SV122 |
Dedenne |
Rotated |
SV52/SV122 |
Sinistea |
Rotated |
SV53/SV122 |
Polteageist |
Rotated |
SV54/SV122 |
Hatenna |
Rotated |
SV55/SV122 |
Hattrem |
Rotated |
SV56/SV122 |
Hatterene |
Rotated |
SV57/SV122 |
Milcery |
Rotated |
SV58/SV122 |
Alcremie |
Rotated |
SV59/SV122 |
Indeedee |
Rotated |
SV60/SV122 |
Dreepy |
Rotated |
SV61/SV122 |
Drakloak |
Rotated |
SV62/SV122 |
Dragapult |
Rotated |
SV63/SV122 |
Galarian Farfetch'd |
Rotated |
SV64/SV122 |
Galarian Sirfetch'd |
Rotated |
SV65/SV122 |
Galarian Yamask |
Rotated |
SV66/SV122 |
Galarian Runerigus |
Rotated |
SV67/SV122 |
Rolycoly |
Rotated |
SV68/SV122 |
Carkol |
Rotated |
SV69/SV122 |
Coalossal |
Rotated |
SV70/SV122 |
Silicobra |
Rotated |
SV71/SV122 |
Sandaconda |
Rotated |
SV72/SV122 |
Clobbopus |
Rotated |
SV73/SV122 |
Grapploct |
Rotated |
SV74/SV122 |
Falinks |
Rotated |
SV75/SV122 |
Stonjourner |
Rotated |
SV76/SV122 |
Koffing |
Rotated |
SV77/SV122 |
Galarian Weezing |
Rotated |
SV78/SV122 |
Galarian Zigzagoon |
Rotated |
SV79/SV122 |
Galarian Linoone |
Rotated |
SV80/SV122 |
Galarian Obstagoon |
Rotated |
SV81/SV122 |
Nickit |
Rotated |
SV82/SV122 |
Thievul |
Rotated |
SV83/SV122 |
Impidimp |
Rotated |
SV84/SV122 |
Morgrem |
Rotated |
SV85/SV122 |
Grimmsnarl |
Rotated |
SV86/SV122 |
Galarian Meowth |
Rotated |
SV87/SV122 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
SV88/SV122 |
Galarian Stunfisk |
Rotated |
SV89/SV122 |
Corviknight |
Rotated |
SV90/SV122 |
Cufant |
Rotated |
SV91/SV122 |
Copperajah |
Rotated |
SV92/SV122 |
Duraludon |
Rotated |
SV93/SV122 |
Minccino |
Rotated |
SV94/SV122 |
Cinccino |
Rotated |
SV95/SV122 |
Ducklett |
Rotated |
SV96/SV122 |
Swanna |
Rotated |
SV97/SV122 |
Bunnelby |
Rotated |
SV98/SV122 |
Oranguru |
Rotated |
SV99/SV122 |
Skwovet |
Rotated |
SV100/SV122 |
Greedent |
Rotated |
SV101/SV122 |
Rookidee |
Rotated |
SV102/SV122 |
Corvisquire |
Rotated |
SV103/SV122 |
Wooloo |
Rotated |
SV104/SV122 |
Dubwool |
Rotated |
SV105/SV122 |
Rillaboom V |
Rotated |
SV106/SV122 |
Rillaboom VMAX |
Rotated |
SV107/SV122 |
Charizard VMAX |
Rotated |
SV108/SV122 |
Centiskorch V |
Rotated |
SV109/SV122 |
Centiskorch VMAX |
Rotated |
SV110/SV122 |
Lapras V |
Rotated |
SV111/SV122 |
Lapras VMAX |
Rotated |
SV112/SV122 |
Toxtricity V |
Rotated |
SV113/SV122 |
Toxtricity VMAX |
Rotated |
SV114/SV122 |
Indeedee V |
Rotated |
SV115/SV122 |
Falinks V |
Rotated |
SV116/SV122 |
Grimmsnarl V |
Rotated |
SV117/SV122 |
Grimmsnarl VMAX |
Rotated |
SV118/SV122 |
Ditto V |
Rotated |
SV119/SV122 |
Ditto VMAX |
Rotated |
SV120/SV122 |
Dubwool V |
Rotated |
SV121/SV122 |
Eternatus V |
Rotated |
SV122/SV122 |
Eternatus VMAX |
Rotated |
Crown Zenith
Because Crown Zenith is a hodgepodge set consisting of cards from over a dozen various Japanese sources, the cards have a wide variety of regulation marks. Some cards from the set are rotating in spite of their very recent release. Cards from the Galarian Gallery are all safe from rotation.
Main Set
Below is the full list of cards in the set Crown Zenith main set, with the rotation status for each card. If a card was safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
1/159 |
Oddish |
Safe, F Regulation |
2/159 |
Gloom |
Safe, F Regulation |
3/159 |
Bellossom |
Safe, F Regulation |
4/159 |
Tangela |
Safe, F Regulation |
5/159 |
Tangrowth |
Safe, F Regulation |
6/159 |
Scyther |
Safe, F Regulation |
7/159 |
Sunkern |
Safe, F Regulation |
8/159 |
Yanma |
Safe, F Regulation |
9/159 |
Yanmega |
Safe, F Regulation |
10/159 |
Kricketot |
Safe, F Regulation |
11/159 |
Cherubi |
Safe, E Regulation |
12/159 |
Carnivine |
Safe, F Regulation |
13/159 |
Leafeon V |
Safe, F Regulation |
14/159 |
Leafeon VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
15/159 |
Grubbin |
Safe, E Regulation |
16/159 |
Zarude |
Safe, F Regulation |
17/159 |
Calyrex |
Safe, F Regulation |
18/159 |
Charizard V |
Safe, F Regulation |
19/159 |
Charizard VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
20/159 |
Radiant Charizard |
Safe, F Regulation |
21/159 |
Entei |
Safe, F Regulation |
22/159 |
Simisear V |
Safe, F Regulation |
23/159 |
Simisear VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
24/159 |
Larvesta |
Safe, F Regulation |
25/159 |
Volcarona |
Safe, F Regulation |
26/159 |
Volcanion |
Safe, F Regulation |
27/159 |
Salandit |
Safe, F Regulation |
28/159 |
Salazzle |
Safe, F Regulation |
29/159 |
Seel |
Safe, F Regulation |
30/159 |
Galarian Mr. Mime |
Safe, E Regulation |
31/159 |
Wailmer |
Safe, F Regulation |
32/159 |
Wailord |
Safe, F Regulation |
33/159 |
Corphish |
Safe, F Regulation |
34/159 |
Snorunt |
Safe, E Regulation |
35/159 |
Luvdisc |
Safe, F Regulation |
36/159 |
Kyogre |
Safe, F Regulation |
37/159 |
Kyogre V |
Safe, F Regulation |
38/159 |
Glaceon V |
Safe, F Regulation |
39/159 |
Shinx |
Safe, E Regulation |
40/159 |
Shinx |
Safe, F Regulation |
41/159 |
Luxio |
Safe, E Regulation |
42/159 |
Luxio |
Safe, F Regulation |
43/159 |
Luxray |
Safe, E Regulation |
44/159 |
Luxray |
Safe, F Regulation |
45/159 |
Rotom V |
Safe, F Regulation |
46/159 |
Rotom VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
47/159 |
Emolga |
Safe, E Regulation |
48/159 |
Eelektrik |
Safe, F Regulation |
49/159 |
Helioptile |
Safe, F Regulation |
50/159 |
Heliolisk |
Safe, F Regulation |
51/159 |
Radiant Charjabug |
Safe, F Regulation |
52/159 |
Zeraora |
Safe, E Regulation |
53/159 |
Zeraora V |
Safe, F Regulation |
54/159 |
Zeraora VMAX |
Safe, F Regulation |
55/159 |
Zeraora VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
56/159 |
Pincurchin |
Safe, F Regulation |
57/159 |
Exeggcute |
Safe, F Regulation |
58/159 |
Exeggcutor |
Safe, F Regulation |
59/159 |
Mewtwo |
Safe, F Regulation |
60/159 |
Mew V |
Safe, E Regulation |
61/159 |
Girafarig |
Safe, F Regulation |
62/159 |
Lunatone |
Safe, F Regulation |
63/159 |
Dusclops |
Safe, F Regulation |
64/159 |
Tapu Lele |
Safe, F Regulation |
65/159 |
Hatterene V |
Safe, F Regulation |
66/159 |
Hatterene VMAX |
Safe, F Regulation |
67/159 |
Enamorus |
Safe, F Regulation |
68/159 |
Graveler |
Safe, E Regulation |
69/159 |
Solrock |
Safe, F Regulation |
70/159 |
Baltoy |
Safe, E Regulation |
71/159 |
Riolu |
Safe, F Regulation |
72/159 |
Pancham |
Safe, F Regulation |
73/159 |
Rockruff |
Safe, F Regulation |
74/159 |
Lycanroc |
Safe, F Regulation |
75/159 |
Koffing |
Safe, E Regulation |
76/159 |
Absol |
Safe, F Regulation |
77/159 |
Purrloin |
Safe, F Regulation |
78/159 |
Liepard |
Safe, F Regulation |
79/159 |
Krokorok |
Rotated |
80/159 |
Pangoro |
Safe, F Regulation |
81/159 |
Skrelp |
Safe, F Regulation |
82/159 |
Dragalge |
Safe, F Regulation |
83/159 |
Hoopa |
Rotated |
84/159 |
Galarian Meowth |
Safe, F Regulation |
85/159 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Safe, F Regulation |
86/159 |
Scizor |
Safe, F Regulation |
87/159 |
Aron |
Safe, F Regulation |
88/159 |
Lairon |
Safe, F Regulation |
89/159 |
Aggron |
Safe, F Regulation |
90/159 |
Metang |
Safe, F Regulation |
91/159 |
Pawniard |
Safe, F Regulation |
92/159 |
Pawniard |
Safe, F Regulation |
93/159 |
Bisharp |
Safe, F Regulation |
94/159 |
Zacian |
Safe, F Regulation |
95/159 |
Zacian V |
Safe, F Regulation |
96/159 |
Zacian VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
97/159 |
Zamazenta |
Safe, F Regulation |
98/159 |
Zamazenta V |
Safe, F Regulation |
99/159 |
Zamazenta VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
100/159 |
Rayquaza V |
Safe, E Regulation |
101/159 |
Rayquaza VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation |
102/159 |
Rayquaza VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation |
103/159 |
Duraludon V |
Safe, E Regulation |
104/159 |
Duraludon VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation |
105/159 |
Radiant Eternatus |
Safe, F Regulation |
106/159 |
Tauros |
Safe, F Regulation |
107/159 |
Ditto |
Safe, F Regulation |
108/159 |
Eevee V |
Safe, F Regulation |
109/159 |
Snorlax |
Safe, E Regulation |
110/159 |
Starly |
Safe, F Regulation |
111/159 |
Bidoof |
Safe, F Regulation |
112/159 |
Chatot |
Safe, F Regulation |
113/159 |
Regigigas V |
Safe, F Regulation |
114/159 |
Regigigas VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation |
115/159 |
Shaymin |
Safe, F Regulation |
116/159 |
Stoutland V |
Safe, E Regulation |
117/159 |
Yungoos |
Safe, F Regulation |
118/159 |
Gumshoos |
Safe, F Regulation |
119/159 |
Oranguru |
Safe, F Regulation |
120/159 |
Greedent V |
Safe, E Regulation |
121/159 |
Wooloo |
Safe, F Regulation |
122/159 |
Dubwool |
Safe, F Regulation |
123/159 |
Bea |
Rotated |
124/159 |
Bede |
Rotated |
125/159 |
Crushing Hammer |
Safe, F Regulation |
126/159 |
Digging Duo |
Safe, F Regulation |
127/159 |
Energy Retrieval |
Safe, F Regulation |
128/159 |
Energy Search |
Safe, F Regulation |
129/159 |
Energy Switch |
Safe, F Regulation |
130/159 |
Friends in Hisui |
Safe, F Regulation |
131/159 |
Friends in Sinnoh |
Safe, F Regulation |
132/159 |
Great Ball |
Safe, F Regulation |
133/159 |
Hop |
Rotated |
134/159 |
Leon |
Rotated |
135/159 |
Lost Vacuum |
Safe, F Regulation |
136/159 |
Nessa |
Rotated |
137/159 |
Poké Ball |
Safe, F Regulation |
138/159 |
Pokémon Catcher |
Safe, F Regulation |
139/159 |
Potion |
Safe, F Regulation |
140/159 |
Raihan |
Safe, E Regulation |
141/159 |
Rare Candy |
Safe, F Regulation |
142/159 |
Rescue Carrier |
Safe, E Regulation |
143/159 |
Sky Seal Stone |
Safe, F Regulation |
144/159 |
Switch |
Safe, F Regulation |
145/159 |
Trekking Shoes |
Safe, F Regulation |
146/159 |
Ultra Ball |
Safe, F Regulation |
147/159 |
Elesa's Sparkle |
Safe, E Regulation |
148/159 |
Friends in Hisui |
Safe, F Regulation |
149/159 |
Friends in Sinnoh |
Safe, F Regulation |
150/159 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, F Regulation |
151/159 |
Volo |
Safe, F Regulation |
152/159 |
Grass Energy |
Safe |
153/159 |
Fire Energy |
Safe |
154/159 |
Water Energy |
Safe |
155/159 |
Lightning Energy |
Safe |
156/159 |
Psychic Energy |
Safe |
157/159 |
Fighting Energy |
Safe |
158/159 |
Darkness Energy |
Safe |
159/159 |
Metal Energy |
Safe |
160/159 |
Pikachu |
Safe, F Regulation |
Galarian Gallery
Below is the full list of cards in the set Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery, with the rotation status for each card. If a card is safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
GG1/GG70 | Hisuian Voltorb | Safe, F Regulation |
GG2/GG70 | Kricketune | Safe, F Regulation |
GG3/GG70 | Magmortar | Safe, F Regulation |
GG4/GG70 | Oricorio | Safe, E Regulation |
GG5/GG70 | Lapras | Safe, F Regulation |
GG6/GG70 | Manaphy | Safe, F Regulation |
GG7/GG70 | Keldeo | Safe, F Regulation |
GG8/GG70 | Electivire | Safe, F Regulation |
GG9/GG70 | Toxtricity | Safe, E Regulation |
GG10/GG70 | Mew | Safe, E Regulation |
GG11/GG70 | Lunatone | Safe, F Regulation |
GG12/GG70 | Deoxys | Safe, E Regulation |
GG13/GG70 | Diancie | Safe, F Regulation |
GG14/GG70 | Comfey | Safe, F Regulation |
GG15/GG70 | Solrock | Safe, F Regulation |
GG16/GG70 | Absol | Safe, F Regulation |
GG17/GG70 | Thievul | Safe, F Regulation |
GG18/GG70 | Magnezone | Safe, F Regulation |
GG19/GG70 | Altaria | Safe, E Regulation |
GG20/GG70 | Latias | Safe, E Regulation |
GG21/GG70 | Hisuian Goodra | Safe, F Regulation |
GG22/GG70 | Ditto | Safe, F Regulation |
GG23/GG70 | Dunsparce | Safe, E Regulation |
GG24/GG70 | Miltank | Safe, F Regulation |
GG25/GG70 | Bibarel | Safe, F Regulation |
GG26/GG70 | Riolu | Safe, F Regulation |
GG27/GG70 | Swablu | Safe, E Regulation |
GG28/GG70 | Duskull | Safe, F Regulation |
GG29/GG70 | Bidoof | Safe, F Regulation |
GG30/GG70 | Pikachu | Safe, F Regulation |
GG31/GG70 | Turtwig | Safe, F Regulation |
GG32/GG70 | Paras | Safe, F Regulation |
GG33/GG70 | Poochyena | Safe, F Regulation |
GG34/GG70 | Mareep | Safe, E Regulation |
GG35/GG70 | Leafeon VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG36/GG70 | Entei V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG37/GG70 | Simisear VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG38/GG70 | Suicune V | Safe, E Regulation |
GG39/GG70 | Lumineon V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG40/GG70 | Glaceon VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG41/GG70 | Raikou V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG42/GG70 | Zeraora VMAX | Safe, F Regulation |
GG43/GG70 | Zeraora VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG44/GG70 | Mewtwo VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG45/GG70 | Deoxys VMAX | Safe, F Regulation |
GG46/GG70 | Deoxys VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG47/GG70 | Hatterene VMAX | Safe, F Regulation |
GG48/GG70 | Zacian V | Safe, E Regulation |
GG49/GG70 | Darkrai VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG50/GG70 | Hisuian Samurott V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG51/GG70 | Hisuian Samurott VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG52/GG70 | Drapion V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG53/GG70 | Hoopa V | Safe, E Regulation |
GG54/GG70 | Zamazenta V | Safe, F Regulation |
GG55/GG70 | Regigigas VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG56/GG70 | Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG57/GG70 | Adaman | Safe, F Regulation |
GG58/GG70 | Cheren's Care | Safe, F Regulation |
GG59/GG70 | Colress's Experiment | Safe, F Regulation |
GG60/GG70 | Cynthia's Ambition | Safe, F Regulation |
GG61/GG70 | Gardenia's Vigor | Safe, F Regulation |
GG62/GG70 | Grant | Safe, F Regulation |
GG63/GG70 | Irida | Safe, F Regulation |
GG64/GG70 | Melony | Safe, E Regulation |
GG65/GG70 | Raihan | Safe, E Regulation |
GG66/GG70 | Roxanne | Safe, F Regulation |
GG67/GG70 | Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG68/GG70 | Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG69/GG70 | Giratina VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
GG70/GG70 | Arceus VSTAR | Safe, F Regulation |
Sword & Shield Black Star Promos
Below is a list of Black Star promo cards from the Sword & Shield era, with the rotation status for each card. If a card is safe from the 2023 rotation, it will have been reprinted with the “E” regulation mark or newer.
# |
Name |
Status |
SWSH001 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
SWSH002 |
Scorbunny |
Rotated |
SWSH003 |
Sobble |
Rotated |
SWSH004 |
Meowth V |
Rotated |
SWSH005 |
Meowth VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH006 |
Rillaboom |
Rotated |
SWSH007 |
Frosmoth |
Rotated |
SWSH008 |
Galarian Perrserker |
Rotated |
SWSH009 |
Cinccino |
Rotated |
SWSH010 |
Gossifleur |
Rotated |
SWSH011 |
Wooloo |
Rotated |
SWSH012 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
SWSH013 |
Galarian Ponyta |
Rotated |
SWSH014 |
Rillaboom V |
Rotated |
SWSH015 |
Cinderace V |
Rotated |
SWSH016 |
Inteleon V |
Rotated |
SWSH017 |
Toxtricity V |
Rotated |
SWSH018 |
Zacian V |
Rotated |
SWSH019 |
Zamazenta V |
Rotated |
SWSH020 |
Pikachu |
Rotated |
SWSH021 |
Polteageist V |
Rotated |
SWSH022 |
Flapple |
Rotated |
SWSH023 |
Luxray |
Rotated |
SWSH024 |
Coalossal |
Rotated |
SWSH025 |
Garbodor |
Rotated |
SWSH026 |
Mantine |
Rotated |
SWSH027 |
Noctowl |
Rotated |
SWSH028 |
Duraludon |
Rotated |
SWSH029 |
Rayquaza |
Rotated |
SWSH030 |
Copperajah V |
Rotated |
SWSH031 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
SWSH032 |
Snorlax |
Rotated |
SWSH033 |
Zacian |
Rotated |
SWSH034 |
Zamazenta |
Rotated |
SWSH035 |
Decidueye |
Rotated |
SWSH036 |
Arctozolt |
Rotated |
SWSH037 |
Hydreigon |
Rotated |
SWSH038 |
Kangaskhan |
Rotated |
SWSH039 |
Pikachu |
Rotated |
SWSH040 |
Hatenna |
Rotated |
SWSH041 |
Flareon |
Rotated |
SWSH042 |
Eevee |
Rotated |
SWSH043 |
Galarian Sirfetch'd V |
Rotated |
SWSH044 |
Eternatus V |
Rotated |
SWSH045 |
Eternatus VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH046 |
Eldegoss |
Rotated |
SWSH047 |
Drednaw |
Rotated |
SWSH048 |
Centiskorch |
Rotated |
SWSH049 |
Dubwool V |
Rotated |
SWSH050 |
Charizard V |
Rotated |
SWSH051 |
Lapras |
Rotated |
SWSH052 |
Gengar |
Rotated |
SWSH053 |
Machamp |
Rotated |
SWSH054 |
Coalossal |
Rotated |
SWSH055 |
Hatterene V |
Rotated |
SWSH056 |
Morpeko V |
Rotated |
SWSH057 |
Grimmsnarl V |
Rotated |
SWSH058 |
Alcremie |
Rotated |
SWSH059 |
Galarian Obstagoon |
Rotated |
SWSH060 |
Duraludon |
Rotated |
SWSH061 |
Pikachu V |
Rotated |
SWSH062 |
Pikachu VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH063 |
Pikachu V |
Rotated |
SWSH064 |
Eternatus V |
Rotated |
SWSH065 |
Eevee V |
Rotated |
SWSH066 |
Charizard |
Rotated |
SWSH067 |
Donphan |
Rotated |
SWSH068 |
Snorlax |
Rotated |
SWSH069 |
Lugia |
Rotated |
SWSH070 |
Grookey |
Rotated |
SWSH071 |
Scorbunny |
Rotated |
SWSH072 |
Vaporeon |
Rotated |
SWSH073 |
Sobble |
Rotated |
SWSH076 |
Zacian V |
Rotated |
SWSH077 |
Zamazenta V |
Rotated |
SWSH078 |
Orbeetle V |
Rotated |
SWSH079 |
Galarian Mr. Rime |
Rotated |
SWSH080 |
Dedenne |
Rotated |
SWSH081 |
Polteageist |
Rotated |
SWSH082 |
Bunnelby |
Rotated |
SWSH083 |
Alakazam V |
Rotated |
SWSH084 |
Eldegoss V |
Rotated |
SWSH085 |
Boltund V |
Rotated |
SWSH086 |
Cramorant V |
Rotated |
SWSH087 |
Eevee VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH088 |
Cherrim |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH089 |
Octillery |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH090 |
Houndoom |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH091 |
Bronzong |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH092 |
Charmander |
Rotated |
SWSH093 |
Arrokuda |
Rotated |
SWSH094 |
Jolteon |
Rotated |
SWSH095 |
Eevee |
Rotated |
SWSH096 |
Dragapult V |
Rotated |
SWSH097 |
Dragapult VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH098 |
Crobat V |
Rotated |
SWSH099 |
Crobat VMAX |
Rotated |
SWSH0100 |
Venusaur V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0101 |
Blastoise V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0102 |
Venusaur VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0103 |
Blastoise VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0104 |
Victini V |
Rotated |
SWSH0105 |
Gardevoir V |
Rotated |
SWSH0106 |
Single Strike Urshifu V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0107 |
Rapid Strike Urshifu V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0108 |
Empoleon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0109 |
Tyranitar V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0110 |
Crobat V |
Rotated |
SWSH0111 |
Galarian Rapidash V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0112 |
Cinderace |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0113 |
Inteleon |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0114 |
Cresselia |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0115 |
Passimian |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0116 |
Morpeko |
Rotated |
SWSH0117 |
Phanpy |
Rotated |
SWSH0118 |
Eevee |
Rotated |
SWSH0119 |
Snorlax |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0120 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
SWSH0121 |
Marnie |
Rotated |
SWSH0122 |
Flaaffy |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0123 |
Galarian Articuno |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0124 |
Galarian Zapdos |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0125 |
Galarian Moltres |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0126 |
Galarian Slowpoke |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0127 |
Eevee |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0128 |
Eiscue |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0129 |
Umbreon |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0130 |
Ice Rider Calyrex V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0131 |
Shadow Rider Calyrex V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0132 |
Dragapult |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0133 |
Lance's Charizard V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0134 |
Dark Sylveon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0135 |
Zacian LV.X |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0136 |
Mimikyu |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0137 |
Light Toxtricity |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0138 |
Hydreigon C |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0139 |
Pikachu V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0140 |
Pikachu V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0141 |
Pikachu V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0142 |
Pikachu V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0143 |
Pikachu V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0144 |
Greninja Star |
Not Standard Legal |
SWSH0145 |
Pikachu V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0146 |
Poké Ball |
Safe, Reprinted in Crown Zenith (F Regulation Mark) |
SWSH0147 |
Rayquaza V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0148 |
Noivern V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0149 |
Flareon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0150 |
Vaporeon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0151 |
Jolteon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0152 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
SWSH0154 |
Dragonite V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0155 |
Greninja V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0156 |
Greninja V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0157 |
Greninja V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0158 |
Greninja V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0159 |
Mewtwo V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0160 |
Mewtwo V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0161 |
Mewtwo V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0162 |
Mewtwo V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0163 |
Zacian V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0164 |
Zacian V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0165 |
Zacian V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0166 |
Zacian V-UNION |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0167 |
Professor Burnet |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0168 |
Oricorio |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0169 |
Pyukumuku |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0170 |
Deoxys |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0171 |
Latias |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0172 |
Tepig |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0173 |
Blitzle |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0174 |
Espeon |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0175 |
Eevee |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0176 |
Hoopa V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0178 |
Professor's Research |
Safe, Reprinted in Brilliant Stars (F Regulation Mark) |
SWSH0179 |
Flareon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0180 |
Flareon VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0181 |
Vaporeon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0182 |
Vaporeon VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0183 |
Jolteon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0184 |
Jolteon VMAX |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0185 |
Moltres |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0186 |
Lucario |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0187 |
Liepard |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0188 |
Bibarel |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0189 |
Flapple |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0190 |
Eevee |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0191 |
Leafeon |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0192 |
Glaceon |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0194 |
Leafeon V |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0195 |
Leafeon VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0196 |
Glaceon V |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0197 |
Glaceon VSTAR |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0198 |
Pikachu V |
Safe, F Regulation Mark |
SWSH0199 |
Lycanroc V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0200 |
Corviknight V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0201 |
Espeon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0202 |
Sylveon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
SWSH0203 |
Umbreon V |
Safe, E Regulation Mark |
< Archetypes to Consider after Rotation | Table of Contents (Rotation Survival Guide)
< Appendix II: Staples and Other Key Cards | Table of Contents (Deck Building Guide) | Appendix IV: Some Deck Math >