Updates to the Plus Ultra Format Ban List, Alternate Format Hall of Fame Updated

In an effort to help maintain a healthy and enjoyable Plus Ultra format, the cards below are being added to the format’s ban list. These bans go into effect on 25 April 2021 and will be in place for any Plus Ultra format tournaments following that date.

Dusk Stone

Dusk Stone

Reset Stamp

Reset Stamp

Island Challenge Amulet

Island Challenge Amulet

Additionally, the Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the April 9th Type Focus–Fairy tournament!

The tournament's results were as follows:

  1. Bunnybird12 - Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX/Aromatisse

  2. Twitchy - Lickilicky Control

  3. KingK4RP - Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX/Aromatisse

  4. CopyCody - Florges/Togekiss VMAX

Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page!
