Alternate Formats Update: Monoblock and Quick Draw Formats Added


The Alternate Formats article has been updated to include the new Monoblock and Quick Draw formats. The article also includes a specific format description and ban lists for the PTCGL versions of the Pauper and Type Focus formats.

Visit the updated Alternate Formats article!

These PTCGL-specific versions of specific formats will be used for League at Home alternate format tournaments beginning with November’s alternate format tournament and lasting until PTCGL supports the full Expanded card pool.

This means the following formats will be available to vote on each month until that time:

  • Aceless (SSH-on)

  • Monoblock (C, D, E)

  • Pauper (LOT-on)

  • Quick Draw (LOT-on)

  • Type Focus (LOT-on)