Alternate Formats Page Updated, Illegal Deck Process Published


To accommodate the upcoming alternate format event taking place on January 15th, the Greatest Formats: SUM-LOT format was added to the Alternate Formats page. The Type Limited format has also been removed from the Alternate Formats page. The related Type Focus format remains.

Additionally, in an attempt to ensure that the process for handling the inclusion of illegal cards in a deck used in alternate format tournament is both publicly known and clear, a new article has been made available on detailing the following:

  • What to do if your opponent has an illegal card in their deck

  • What to do if you realize that you have an illegal card in your deck

  • What the penalty for an illegal card inclusion is

  • How you will be required to fix a deck that contains an illegal card

This new page will be linked with each advertisement of the alternate format tournaments on the JustInBasil Discord and will be linked as a refresher at the start of each alternate format tournament. Thank you for participating in JustInBasil’s League at Home and in the alternate format tournaments!

Visit here to visit the new Illegal Deck Process page