Alternate Formats Hall of Fame Updated Following July 9th's Expanded Tournament


The Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the July 9th Expanded format tournament.

The tournament's results were such that JustInBasil came in first with a 3/0/0 record and the other three participants tied for second place with 1/2/0 records. As Twitchy had put a gold Ultra Ball (SUM 161) up for the winner of the tournament (and JustInBasil is ineligible for prizing in his own tournaments), a best of three tiebreaker match was held between kingK4RP and bunnybird12, with KingK4RP coming out on top of the series, 2-1 to win the gold Ultra Ball.

  1. JustInBasil - Zacian V Metal Box

  2. kingK4RP - Ho-oh-EX Box

  3. bunnybird12 - Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX

  4. twitchy - Mad Party

Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page and join us next month on August 13th for the Galar format tournament!