Alternate Formats Hall of Fame Updated Following February 19th's Theme Pool Tournament


The Alternate Format Hall of Fame page has been updated with the results of the February 19th Theme Pool tournament!

The tournament's results were as follows:

1. Bunnybird12 - Eelektrik NVI
2. JimCheeseIt - Entei LOT
3. Twitchy - Duraludon RCL
4. KingK4RP - Turtonator DRM
5. Iskalla - Garchomp UPR
6. Armoredcrusher1999 - Ambipom/Infernape
7. Sivart345 - Cramorant VIV

JustInBasil also participated with Volcanion STS to prevent byes.

Click here to visit the updated Alternate Format Hall of Fame page!

No bans are being added immediately following this tournament. However, the cards below are now on the "risk" list.
